840.48 Refugees/8–1444: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)

6722. For Winant from War Refugee Board. Reference is made to your 6521 of August 14 concerning plight of refugees in German-occupied Italy and views on this matter of Heathcote-Smith and the Foreign Office.

Position taken by Foreign Office considered inexplicable. Strongly felt that every effort should be made to effect rescue of Jews still alive in Northern Italy, even though real possibilities thereof may be nonexistent. Also agree with statement attributed to Pope that if this attempt not made neither history nor our conscience would forgive us.

It is confidently believed that ingenuity and resources of American and British Governments are such as to avoid a situation in which these people, who otherwise would be rescued, would be consigned to deportation and death, if German Government attitude is such that rescue of any thereof is possible, which frankly is very much doubted.

You are requested therefore to press this matter actively with the British Government toward a joint British and American request to the Pope to appeal to the German authorities that rescue be permitted, with the assurances that the Allied authorities will receive and care for any persons rescued.

Kindly inform DuBois of this cable, also Emerson if you deem it advisable. [War Refugee Board.]
