840.48 Refugees/8–1644: Telegram

The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State

6608. For War Refugee Board from DuBois.

Section 1: Refer your 6408 of August 12 relating to the offer concerning emigration and treatment of Jews communicated by Hungarian Government to the United States and British Governments. The exact text of a joint declaration which has been agreed upon by the British Government is contained in message No. 6609 immediately [Page 1126] following this message. This joint statement has been agreed upon here and will be released over the BBC on midnight Thursday, August 17. It will appear in the Friday morning British newspapers.

Section 2: This declaration was agreed upon after consultation between Ambassador Winant and Foreign Minister Eden and after considerable discussion with the Foreign Office. It has been approved by the British War Cabinet.

Section 3: The following change was made in the joint declaration suggested in your 6408. The words “have accepted the offer of the Hungarian Government to the release of Jews and will make arrangements for the care of such Jews” was substituted for the words “will make arrangements for the care of all Jews”. The purpose of this substitution was to meet the British objection to stating that the two Governments were prepared to receive all Jews as distinguished from the Jews referred to in the Hungarian offer. It is our feeling that the language which we have agreed upon as a substitute, while meeting the British objection, at the same time both to the world and to the Hungarian Government will be substantially as effective as the language suggested in your 6408. This is particularly true with respect to its effect on the Hungarian Government in light of the fact that the message which has already been delivered to Intercross by the United States Government is worded in terms of receiving all Jews. If it is felt that in light of the fact that the note which the United States Government delivered to Intercross contained the words “all Jews” these words should therefore be included in any public announcement made by the United States Government. This point could be taken care of by the United States Government at the same time that it releases the text of the joint declaration releasing the text of the note which the United States Government delivered to Intercross.

Section 4: Further details concerning the discussions with the British will be furnished to you by DuBois upon his return to Washington.

Section 5: The British Government will convey the text of this joint declaration to Intercross and also convey the text to Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey.

Section 6: Please acknowledge at once the receipt of this message and the immediately following message. [DuBois.]
