840.48 Refugees/7–2844: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)
5948. The following cable is from Department and War Refugee Board. Message from Legation Bern, substantially as follows:
[Here follows substance of telegram 4604, July 19, 10 p.m., from Bern, printed on page 1099.]
American consular officers in neutral countries being authorized to issue immigration visas to every person dwelling enemy controlled areas since December 8, 1941, to whom American immigration visa was issued or authorized on or after July 1, 1941, effective date present security checking system, provided such person has not been subject of subsequent adverse report or not affirmatively found to have become disqualified for a visa. In the discretion of consular officers the issuance of such visas will not be subject to interdepartmental review procedure. Naturally visas will be issued only after arrival [Page 1107] in neutral countries of such persons. Transmission of substance of the foregoing and of a request for release to neutral countries of persons in above categories to the German, Hungarian, Bulgarian and Rumanian Governments and to existent authorities in Slovakia being asked of the Swiss. Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Swiss and Turkish Governments being requested to permit entry of such persons upon assurance of their adequate maintenance and that evacuation arrangements will be made covering all such persons admitted into their territories found to be unqualified for issuance of such visas.41 The informing of Germany and its allies of their willingness to receive such persons also being requested of the above governments.
Government of Turkey being asked to inform enemy governments of its willingness either to issue transit visas to all holders of Palestine certificates in enemy controlled areas or to admit such persons into Turkey in transit to Palestine without formal visa issuance.
Responding further to message from Legation, Bern, the substance of which is quoted above, this Government is prepared to inform the Hungarian and neutral governments that all Jews arriving in neutral countries from Hungary will be afforded havens in United Nations territory as rapidly as military considerations permit, neutral governments to be given adequate assurances as to the maintenance of such persons in the meantime and to be requested to advise the Hungarian Government of their willingness to admit such persons to their territory. You are requested to ascertain from the Foreign Office whether the United Kingdom government will join this Government in this effort to save the lives of refugees and to report results. Instructions have been sent to American missions in neutral countries to act in collaboration with their British colleagues if possible, alone if necessary, along these lines. The British missions should be informed of Foreign Office views promptly, as time is important.
Kindly bring foregoing to attention of Sir Herbert Emerson of IGC and try to obtain some indication from him as to extent of availability of IGC funds for maintenance of such refugees from Hungary as may arrive in neutral countries following such approaches. The earliest possible response to this inquiry would be appreciated by Board.
It might prove tragic under circumstances if utmost advantage of present opportunity were not taken. You are requested urgently, therefore, to propose to the Foreign Office the necessity of making substantial additional numbers of Palestine certificates available to Jews in Hungary immediately. The possibility should not be over-looked, [Page 1108] in this connection, that, after arrival of holders of such certificates in Turkey or Spain, should circumstances be deemed to preclude their entry into Palestine, they may be routed to havens elsewhere. It is requested that such views as the Foreign Office may express be reported immediately.
- Sweden and Turkey subsequently agreed to cooperate in this program and advised the Hungarian Government accordingly; Turkey also agreed to receive holders of Palestine certificates.↩