840.48 Refugees/7–644: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Sweden (Johnson)

1349. The following War Refugee Board cable no. 42 is for Johnson and Olsen.

For your information and guidance as well as Wallenberg’s4 in your discretion there is herewith repeated to you the substance of a message sent by the Board to Amlegation Bern:

“In view of consistent neutral press reports carrying Berlin and Budapest datelines and other information to the effect that the 800,000 Jews in Hungary are being segregated in ghettos and concentrated in camps, there seems little doubt that the pattern heretofore set in Poland and repeated elsewhere is again being followed. In an effort to develop means to forestall the effectuation of the ultimate ends of such program, that is mass-executions either before or after deportation, consideration has been given to the advisability of requesting the Swiss Government to address an inquiry on behalf of this Government to appropriate authorities in Hungary asking them to state their intentions with respect to the future treatment to be accorded to Jews in ghettos and concentration camps and specifically whether they contemplate forced deportations to Poland or elsewhere or the imposition of discriminatory reductions in food rations, or the adoption other measures which like those mentioned will be tantamount to mass-execution. At the same time, the Swiss Government would be requested to remind the same authorities of the grave view that this Government takes with respect to the persecution of Jews and other minorities and of the determination of this Government to see to it that all those who share the responsibility for such acts are dealt with in accordance with the President’s statement of March 24, 1944.5 Also at the same time the fact of this Government’s request of the Swiss Government and the nature thereof would be given the widest possible publicity in Hungary through broadcasts in the Hungarian language and such other means as may be practicable.”

The reply received is in substance as follows:

“A note requesting transmission of inquiry to Hungarian Government, as suggested, has been delivered to the Swiss Foreign Office. [Page 1089] This note requests an indication of the intentions of Hungary as regards further treatment of Jews with special reference to forced deportations, discriminatory reductions of food rations or adoption of similar measures that amount to mass execution and reminding them of the grave view which the United States takes regarding persecution of Jews and other minorities and the United States’ determination to punish those sharing the responsibility in accordance with the March 24 warning by the President.

The Foreign Office has accepted the note as presented and will transmit verbatim as annex to the note to the authorities of Hungary. It has been agreed by the Swiss to report the date of the delivery of the note.6

It is recommended that the foregoing be given no publicity pending receipt of information of delivery of the note by the Swiss to the Hungarians and that no mention of Swiss intermediary be made should publicity then appear to be advisable.”

Board expects verbatim text of note and date of Swiss action momentarily. You will be kept advised so that Wallenberg may be in a position at your discretion to note and report any reaction and take advantage thereof if circumstances favorable.

  1. Raoul Wallenberg, Swedish Minister in Hungary.
  2. Post, p. 1230.
  3. Telegram 4260, July 5, 1944, from Bern, reported that the Swiss Minister at Budapest delivered the note to the Hungarian Foreign Office on June 27 (840.48/Refugees/7–544).