840.48 Refugees/6–2744

The United States Political Adviser, Allied Force Headquarters (Murphy) to the Secretary of State

No. 568

Sir: I have the honor to transmit as of possible interest to the Department a copy of a letter addressed to General Bethouart, Chief of Staff of National Defense of the French Committee of National Liberation, by Lt. General Gammell, Chief of Staff, AFHQ, with regard to the accommodation and maintenance of refugees in French North Africa.

Respectfully yours,

Robert D. Murphy

The Chief of Staff of Allied Force Headquarters (Gammell) to the French Chief of Staff of National Defense (Bethouart)

My Dear General Bethouart: I wish to draw to your attention a problem which, in the opinion of the Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean Theater, is becoming one of great importance in the Mediterranean Theater.

Consequent upon operations now in progress, particularly in the Balkans, large numbers of innocent civilians are being rendered homeless by German acts of terror and oppression. Also, due to the normal dislocation of war, numbers of refugees, principally women and children, are necessarily endeavoring to escape from the zones of operations.

Our forces in the Adriatic have for some time been assisting in the evacuation of refugees from Yugoslavia. The Allied authorities in Italy have made provision to receive and process these refugees and to maintain a substantial number of them. A large number have been evacuated to the middle East where Allied authorities are maintaining camps to care for these unfortunates until they can be repatriated. The facilities in both these localities are now or will shortly be extended to their capacity.

The Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean Theater, is, therefore, preparing to use certain of the installations and facilities which are no longer required for military purposes in North Africa to house and care for these refugees until repatriation. The immediate proposal is to complete arrangements for the accommodation of approximately 10,000 Yugoslav refugees in a camp situated near Philippeville. [Page 1081] The camp will be operated by the Allied military authorities until United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration or other qualified agencies assume the responsibility. The supply, maintenance and administration of the camp will, of course, be the responsibility of those authorities or agencies and no expenditure or other commitment in respect to the camp or its administration will fall upon the French authorities, either now or at any later period.

I am asked by the Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean Theater, to inform you of these proposed arrangements and to express his confident hope that, in view of the urgency and the humanitarian aspect of the problem, they will meet with the approval of the French military authorities.

Sincerely yours,

J. A. H. Gammell