840.48 Refugees/6338a: Circular telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)77

The President has delivered a special message to the Congress78 reporting on the efforts of this Government to rescue the Jews and other victims of enemy oppression and specifically dealing with the action which he took on June 9 in establishing an Emergency Refugee Shelter in this country.79 The message was included in the radio bulletin of June 12.

You are requested to convey the contents of this message to the Government to which you are accredited and to use all possible means to give this message the widest possible publicity, particularly in Europe.

Sent to London, repeated to Moscow, Lisbon, Madrid, Stockholm, Bern and Ankara.

  1. Repeated on the same date to Algiers, Cairo, and Naples; repeated on June 19 as a circular airgram to Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela; and to Argentina for information only.
  2. For the text of message of June 12, see Congressional Record, vol. 90, pt. 4, p. 5748, or Department of State Bulletin, June 17, 1944, p. 553.
  3. By mid-July 1944 the Displaced Persons Subcommission of the Allied Control Commission, in cooperation with Mr. Murphy and Board Representative Ackermann, had completed the selection and processing of the applicants; a total of 983 persons subsequently left Italy aboard an Army transport, and reached Oswego, New York, in August.