Lot 60–D 224, Box 55: D.O./P.R./27
Memorandum by the Under Secretary of State (Stettinius) to the Secretary of State
Subject: Progress Report on Dumbarton Oaks Conversations—Twenty-eighth Day
Meeting of the Joint Steering Committee
The Joint Steering Committee met this afternoon to consider the revised draft of the proposals prepared by the joint formulation group and to take up matters on which agreement had not yet been reached. The Committee completed its consideration of the proposals, which were cabled tonight to Moscow and London. The principal changes agreed upon, other than matters of verbiage, were as follows:
[Page 829](a) Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
The paragraph under Chapter II. Principles, relating to human rights and fundamental freedoms has been eliminated.23 We have requested the Soviet and British to send special messages to their Governments expressing our hope that this point can be included briefly somewhere in the document.
(b) Initial Members
Agreement was reached to confine the Chapter on Membership to the single statement that membership in the organization would be open to all peace-loving nations. Reference to initial members was eliminated since agreement could not be reached that the nations which are associated with the United Nations but are not actual belligerents should be among the initial members.
(c) Non-Permanent Members of the Security Council
A provision which made the contribution of non-permanent members to peace and security a qualification for election to the Council was omitted upon our insistence.
(d) Voting in the Council
All substantive points relative to voting in the Council were eliminated in view of the proposed agreement to continue consideration of this subject.24
(e) Matters Within Domestic Jurisdiction
A bracketed provision excluding from the application of procedures for peaceful settlement matters within domestic jurisdiction was eliminated due to inability to reach agreement.
(f) Sites for Bases
Agreement was reached to eliminate the last remaining reference to the Russian proposal that smaller states should provide sites for bases.
(g) Air Force Contingents
Our provision for the immediate availability of national air force contingents was accepted and the British alternative providing for [Page 830] future study of something akin to an international air force was eliminated.
(h) Amendments
The chapter relating to amendments was eliminated due to inability to reach agreement.
Meeting of the American Group
The American group considered the changes in the draft proposals made by the Joint Steering Committee and the joint formulation group. Most of the group felt that it would be satisfactory to omit reference in the document to non-intervention, but the group as a whole urged that some reference to the promotion of human rights and fundamental freedoms be included in the draft proposals. Most members felt that the Russian proposal concerning Fascist or fascist-type states should not be included. Other changes were regarded as satisfactory.
The group agreed upon a memorandum to the President and the Secretary25 offering a suggested course of procedure as an alternative to continuing the conversations with the Soviet group in the hope of reaching early agreement on the question of voting.
- “2. It is the duty of each member of the Organization to see to it that conditions prevailing within its jurisdiction do not endanger international peace and security and, to this end, to respect the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all its people and to govern in accordance with the principles of humanity and justice. Subject to the performance of this duty the Organization should refrain from intervention in the internal affairs of any of its members.” (Joint Formulation Group’s draft of September 20; draft not printed.)↩
- Agreement was reached to accept the proposal of the Formulation Group to include under the section on Voting in the Security Council in the final draft of the Proposals the following statement: “Note:—The question of voting procedure in the Security Council is still under consideration.” (Minutes of meeting of Joint Steering Committee, September 20.)↩
- Dated September 21, p. 834.↩