Lot 60–D 224, Box 55: D.O./P.R./23
Memorandum by the Under Secretary of State (Stettinius) to the Secretary of State
Subject: Progress Report on Dumbarton Oaks Conversations—Twenty-fourth Day
Because of Sir Alexander Cadogan’s continued absence in Quebec (he did not return until late this afternoon) no official meetings were held today.
However, there were, as you are aware, a number of conferences both this morning and this afternoon with you at the Department and in my office at Dumbarton Oaks, in which various members of the American group participated, on the latest developments relating to the important question of voting procedure in cases of disputes involving a great power.
In addition, I met Sir Alexander Cadogan and Lord Halifax at the British Embassy just after Sir Alexander’s plane arrived late this afternoon.
As you know, the crux of these discussions revolved around the President’s wire95 on the voting question and consideration of the British position of non-acceptance of the possible compromise.96 When Sir Alexander told Ambassador Gromyko of the British position, the Ambassador told him that that was likewise the position of his Government, although he did not make it completely clear to Sir Alexander whether or not he had final official instructions on the matter.
- Supra.↩
- Sir Alexander informed Under Secretary Stettinius that he had been officially instructed, after consultation with Mr. Churchill and Mr. Eden, to advise Ambassador Gromyko and Mr. Stettinius officially that his Government could not endorse the compromise proposal on voting in the Council. (Diary, September 16, p. 2.)↩