Lot 60–D 224, Box 55: D.O./P.R./10
Memorandum by the Under Secretary of State (Stettinius) to the Secretary of State
Subject: Progress Report on Dumbarton Oaks Conversations—Eleventh Day
Meeting of the Formulation Group on Security
The group reconsidered the questions relating to the determination of threats to and breaches of the peace and action with regard thereto, and made a number of verbal changes in the points agreed to yesterday. The only changes of substance were the following:
- 1.
- It was agreed that no reference should be made in the basic instrument of the organization to the interim provision by the states [Page 763] party to the Moscow Declaration, pending the conclusion of special agreements on this subject, of forces and facilities necessary for the maintenance of peace and security.
- 2.
- It was agreed that there should be attached to the council a Military Committee composed of representatives of the Chiefs of Staff of the permanent members of the council, the functions of which would be to advise and assist the council on all questions relating to the employment of forces placed at the disposal of the council. Representatives of other states might be associated with this committee from time to time.
Meeting of the Formulation Group on General Organization
The Formulation Group of the Subcommittee on General Organization met this afternoon to reformulate certain provisions relating to the functions, procedures and voting methods of the council.
As regards functions, the Group agreed that:
- 1.
- In order to insure prompt and effective action, member states should confer on the council primary responsibility to maintain peace and security.
- 2.
- In order to carry out this responsibility the council should be empowered to encourage states to settle their disputes by peaceful means, to recommend appropriate procedures of adjustment and, in cases where failure to settle a dispute constitutes a threat to the peace, to take all necessary measures to maintain or restore peace; and to take effective collective measures to prevent and suppress threats to or breaches of the peace.
- 3.
- In discharging these responsibilities, the council should act on behalf of all members of the organization. (There was a slight difference between the American and British members on the one hand, and the Soviet on the other, as to the wording of the obligatory character of the council’s decisions on member states.)
On procedure, the Group agreed:
- 1.
- That a state not having a seat on the council should be invited to attend during the consideration of a dispute of which it is a party, but that the council should decide whether to invite a state not having a seat on the council to attend when its other interests are especially affected.
- 2.
- To present for further consideration by the Steering Committee the wording of a paragraph relating to the continuous session of the council and the character of permanent representation on the council.
In regard to voting, the Group formulated four questions for further consideration:
- 1.
- Whether the normal vote of the council should be by majority or two-thirds.
- 2.
- Whether the provisions for unanimous vote of the permanent members should be enumerated or left in general terms.
- 3.
- Whether provision should be made for voluntary abstention.
- 4.
- Whether the vote of a party to a dispute should be counted.