500.CC/7–744: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman)
1646. I wish you would take up with Molotov immediately the question of the arrangements for the discussion of plans for the International Organization for Security and Peace. I think you might well remind Mr. Molotov that he took the initiative at the meeting of Foreign Ministers at Moscow in suggesting that consultations be undertaken on this subject initially in Washington.93
You might also tell the Commissar for Foreign Affairs that the conversations suggested in my message of May 3094 are to be held on an informal basis, and that while we wish to discuss and come to an understanding on the major points in the organization, any understandings reached here would of course be subject to reference back to each of the Governments for final acceptance.
You should also tell Mr. Molotov that as soon as he notifies us of the time it will be convenient for the Soviet representation to start the conversations here, we will be very glad to forward to him for preparatory study the drafts of the suggested organization which we expect to circulate at the beginning of the conversations. We would also be very glad to receive from the Soviet Government any drafts of studies which they may have made on the subject.
There are various rumors circulating in the press here to the effect that the Soviet Government is hesitating to take part in the conversations here because of a reluctance to have the Chinese Government participate in the consultations. We have no reason to believe that there is any foundation to these rumors, but in any event it would be helpful, in order to prevent any adverse speculation in the press with regard to the forthcoming conferences, if the Soviet Government would give us a reply to our message of May 30 last and follow up, as a delay in the holding of conversations between important nations would result in a delay in going forward with the subsequent steps necessary to bring about general agreement with respect to the form of the International Organization.
- At the eighth regular session of the Tripartite Conference on October 26, 3943, 4 p.m., Mr. Molotov suggested that consultations might be undertaken in any one of the three capitals ( Foreign Relations, 1943, vol. i, pp. 637, 642).↩
- Secretary Hull’s memorandum of conversation, May 30, p. 637, concerned his invitation to the Soviet Government to be conveyed by Ambassador Gromyko; telegram 1387, June 1, to Moscow (not printed), informed Ambassador Harriman of this conversation.↩