740.00119 European War 1939/2615: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the United States Political Adviser, Allied Force Headquarters (Murphy), at Algiers
1743. 1. Your 1641, May 19, noon.67 In view of the fact that United States now has no commitment for military operations in Rumania, Bulgaria, and Hungary, no directives with respect to civil affairs or occupation of those countries would seem necessary for consideration of Combined Chiefs of Staff.
2. Referring your paragraph numbered 2, no decision has been made as to nationality of civil affairs personnel for Austria, and planning for Austria should proceed on the assumption that no United States personnel will be employed in Austrian civil affairs administration.
3. Referring your paragraph numbered 3, no directive would appear necessary as no combined operation is contemplated in that area.
4. Referring your paragraph numbered 4, as no Anglo-American expedition is now contemplated to enter Bulgaria before surrender, and as there is no commitment to take part in civil administration in Bulgaria after surrender, planning for that country should be for period after withdrawal of German occupying troops and not to include American military personnel. As far as concerns Hungary and Rumania, the United States does not expect to ask for liaison or military representation with occupational administration which will presumably be by Soviet troops.
5. UNRRA68 would not be in a position to undertake relief in ex-enemy countries unless affirmative action thereon is taken by the UNRRA council.
[Page 608]6. This Government has had no exchange of views with the Soviet Union up to the present with respect to the Balkans or with respect to Austria. These subjects are expected to be covered in the discussion of terms of surrender for the satellite countries in the European Advisory Commission.
7. In response to your request, we will send you special memorandum by telegraph on dealing with Rumania and Bulgaria in the event of collapse.
- Not printed. The Political Adviser reported that the Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean, had called upon the American and British Political Advisers for advice with respect to civil affairs policies to he pursued in Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Rumania. The Political Adviser requested instructions. (740.00119 EW 1939/2615)↩
- United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration; for correspondence, see vol. ii, pp. 331 ff.↩