740.00119 European War 1939/2481: Telegram
The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman) to the Secretary of State
[Received 9:50 p.m.]
1321. In reply to my note pursuant to the Department’s 902, April 13, midnight,47 a note from Molotov dated April 16 states that the Soviet Government agrees to the original text of the Declaration of the Three Allied Powers with the changes set forth in my note but with one amendment. The Soviet Government proposes that the first paragraph be worded as follows:
“Through the fateful policy of their leaders, the people of Hungary are suffering the humiliation of German occupation. Rumania is still bound to the Nazis in a war now bringing devastation to its own [Page 596] people. The Governments of Bulgaria and Finland have sold their countries to Germany and persist in remaining in the war at Germany’s side.”
The note concludes by stating that should the United States Government agree to this change the Soviet Government would not object if this declaration were transmitted to the respective countries and it would be prepared to publish the declaration in the Soviet press.
Sent to Department, repeated to London.