740.0011 European War 1939/7–2644

Miss K. Isabel Poate, Attaché in the British Embassy, to Mr. Fletcher Warren, Executive Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of State (Berle)

Dear Mr. Warren: I enclose herein paraphrases of telegrams71 exchanged between His Majesty’s Ambassador at Madrid72 and the Foreign Office in London. His Majesty’s Ambassador at Madrid has, as you will notice, been instructed to consult his United States colleague, so no doubt you will have heard of this further approach, but you may nevertheless be interested to have these telegrams for your files.

Yours sincerely,

K. Isabel Poate

Text of Telegram From the Foreign Office to Madrid, Dated July 20th, 1944

These proposals have just been made public both here and in the United States and have been exposed as blackmail.73 Further, we have secret evidence which we are conveying to the United States Government that the Nazi authorities are using Jews in order to make contact with British and American authorities as a cover for peace proposals with the obvious motive of dividing His Majesty’s Government and United States Government from the Soviet Government whose suspicions the Nazi authorities desire to arouse. In these circumstances His Majesty’s Government, who at once informed the Soviet Government of German and Hungarian approach are proposing to the United States Government to refuse to have anything to do with these “proposals” and there would in our opinion be every objection to Dr. Schwartz74 or to anybody else making contact with [Page 538] the German Authorities. But Dr. Schwartz is an American citizen and you should discuss the matter at once with your United States colleague informing him of all the foregoing and asking him whether he agrees or will submit the point to his Government. If the Germans or Hungarians, who are credited with having made offers to the International Red Cross in regard to exit permits for refugees, who possess visas for other countries, are serious, they can easily pursue their schemes without involving Allied citizens. We are in consultation with the United States Government and Jewish Agency about the reported Hungarian intentions. In the meantime, it is essential especially in the interests of our relations with Moscow that no suspicions should be aroused that Allied persons are negotiating with the enemy.

  1. Only one telegram was found enclosed with this document in Department files.
  2. Sir Samuel Hoare.
  3. For correspondence on the general subject of offers to free Jewish civilians by the Axis nations in return for concessions from the Allies, see pp. 981 ff.
  4. Joseph J. Schwartz, European Director of the American-Jewish Distribution Committee.