The Director of the Office of Strategic Services (Donovan) to the Secretary of State
Washington, 18 July,
My Dear Mr. Secretary: I am enclosing herewith copy of two dispatches received from the Bern office of this agency,46 which I feel will be of interest to you. These dispatches form a sequel to a report dated 16 May 1944 (forwarded to you on 17 May) concerning an opposition group in Germany, including some high military figures, which favors peace.
William J. Donovan
- Presumably the two despatches here referred to were combined into the one document enclosed, below. No other enclosure was found in the Department files.↩
- Commander-in-Chief of the German Home Army.↩
- Brackets appear in the original.↩
- Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, High Command of the German Armed Forces.↩