740.0011 EW/5–2644

Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Central European Affairs (Riddleberger) to Mr. Hathaway Watson, Jr., in the Office of the Under Secretary of State (Stettinius)

Mr. Watson: In accordance with our conversation several weeks ago, I asked the Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service of FCC23 to prepare material for me on the use of the term “unconditional surrender” in German propaganda. Attached is a memorandum which FCC has prepared.24

You will note that the memorandum is devoted more to the argument that “unconditional surrender” has worked in favor of Germany rather than an objective statement of how this term has been employed. The reason for this is, no doubt, to be found in paragraph 2 where it is admitted that the term “unconditional surrender” has been used rarely in German propaganda.

The writer’s argument is that Goebbels has handled this subject most effectively by indirect means and he then proceeded to present his point of view. It is a matter of opinion whether or not you agree with the arguments presented in the memorandum. It is a matter of fact, however, that the German propaganda has made little use of the term “unconditional surrender”.

James W. Riddleberger
  1. Federal Communications Commission.
  2. Not printed.