740.00119 Control (Austria)/11–2344
The Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Secretary of State 3
Washington, 23 November,
My Dear Mr. Secretary: Upon the recommendation of the United States Chiefs of Staff, the Combined Chiefs of Staff have authorized the Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean, to plan for United States military government participation in the tripartite occupation of Austria on the following basis:
- (1)
- A token force of one United States division under United States command may be employed in the tripartite occupation of Vienna [Page 470] with the understanding that the minimum strength of the United States force to be employed there will not be less than the equivalent of a regimental combat team, reinforced as required.
- (2)
- The United States force will not be used in the occupation of Austria outside of the tripartite area of Vienna Gau.
The United States Chiefs of Staff request that the Department of State advise the United States representative on the European Advisory Commission of the above decision of the Combined Chiefs of Staff.
Sincerely yours,
For the Joint Chiefs of Staff:
Admiral, U.S. Navy,
Chief of Staff to the Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy
William D. Leahy
, Admiral, U.S. Navy,
Chief of Staff to the Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy
- A copy of this letter was forwarded to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom with instruction 4817, November 29, 1944, not printed.↩