740.00119 EAC/7–144: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)
5537. Your 5206, 3 a.m., July 1, Comea 66. Respecting the protocol presented by the Soviet Government, the Joint Chiefs of Staff have presented a statement under date of July 12, of which the following is the pertinent section:
“The United States Chiefs of Staff are informed that there is no change in the policy of United States Government as regards occupational forces for Austria, except that a token force similar to the force planned for Berlin may be sent to Austria in connection with a tripartite control of Austria that may be agreed upon.”
The Department is informed that the foregoing statement was made at the direction of the President and in reply to an inquiry from the British Chiefs of Staff.
In conformity with the President’s instruction to you, you are thus authorized to accept the protocol provided that it is expressly understood that only a token occupation force for Austria will be provided by the United States. This reservation could be effected by the inclusion of a separate article in the protocol or by an understanding in writing covering this point.