Foreign Relations of the United States, Conference at Quebec, 1944

Foreign Relations of the United States, Conference at Quebec, 1944
- Richardson Dougall
- Arthur G. Kogan
- Richard S. Patterson
- Irving L. Thomson
United States Government Printing Office
- Preface
- List of Photographs and Maps
- Introduction
- List of Abbreviations, Symbols, and Code Names
- List of Papers
- The Second Quebec Conference and Related Conversations at Hyde Park (Documents 1–304)
- 1. Agenda and Arrangements for the Conference (Documents 1–71)
- 2. Substantive Preparatory Papers: (Documents 72–167)
- A. Occupation and postwar treatment of Germany (Documents 72–94)
- B. Economic relations with the United Kingdom (Documents 95–112)
- C. Relations with the Soviet Union and aid to the Warsaw
resistance (Documents 113–131)
- D. Italy (Documents 132–136)
- E. Austria and the Balkans (Documents 137–139)
- F. Basic strategy and policies for the conduct of the war (Documents 140–142)
- G. The war in Europe and the Mediterranean (Documents 143–152)
- H. The war in Asia and the Pacific (Documents 153–167)
- A. Occupation and postwar treatment of Germany (Documents 72–94)
- 3. Log of the President’s Visit to Canada (Documents 168–169)
- 4. Proceedings of the Conference: (Documents 170–212)
- Editorial note
- Monday, September 11, 1944 (Documents 170–172)
- Tripartite luncheon meeting, 1:30 p.m. (Document 170)
- Roosevelt–Churchill meeting, early afternoon (Document 171)
- Leahy–Churchill conversation (Document 172)
- Tripartite luncheon meeting, 1:30 p.m. (Document 170)
- Tuesday, September 12, 1944 (Documents 173–176)
- Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, noon (Document 173)
- Tripartite luncheon meeting, 1 p.m. (Document 174)
- Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, 2:30 p.m. (Document 175)
- Tripartite dinner meeting, 8 p.m. (Document 176)
- Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, noon (Document 173)
- Wednesday, September 13, 1944 (Documents 177–181)
- Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff with Roosevelt and
Churchill, 11:45 a.m. (Document 177)
- Roosevelt–Churchill luncheon meeting, 1 p.m. (Document 178)
- Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, 2:30 p.m. (Document 179)
- Roosevelt–Morgenthau conversation, 4 p.m. (Document 180)
- Roosevelt–Churchill dinner meeting, 8 p.m. (Document 181)
- Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff with Roosevelt and
Churchill, 11:45 a.m. (Document 177)
- Thursday, September 14, 1944 (Documents 182–192)
- Morgenthau-Cherwell meeting, 10 a.m. (Document 182)
- Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, 10 a.m. (Document 183)
- Roosevelt–Churchill meeting, 11 a.m. (Document 184)
- Roosevelt–Churchill meeting, 11:30 a.m. (Documents 185–187)
- Tripartite luncheon meeting, 1 p.m. (Document 188)
- White–Weeks meeting, afternoon (Document 189)
- Roosevelt–Churchill meeting, 5:30 p.m. (Document 190)
- Roosevelt–Mackenzie King conversation, early evening (Document 191)
- Tripartite dinner meeting, 8 p.m. (Document 192)
- Morgenthau-Cherwell meeting, 10 a.m. (Document 182)
- Friday, September 15, 1944 (Documents 193–206)
- King–Cunningham meeting (Document 193)
- Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, 10 a.m. (Document 194)
- Morgenthau–Cherwell meeting, 11 a.m. (Document 195)
- Roosevelt–Morgenthau conversation, about noon (Document 196)
- Roosevelt–Churchill meeting, noon (Document 197)
- Morgenthau–Cherwell luncheon meeting, about 1 p.m. (Document 198)
- Roosevelt–Churchill luncheon meeting, 1 p.m. (Document 199)
- Roosevelt–Churchill–Mackenzie King meeting, early afternoon (Document 200)
- Roosevelt–Churchill meeting, afternoon (Document 201)
- Roosevelt conversation with the Archduke Otto of Austria, 5
p.m. (Document 202)
- Morgenthau–Leahy conversation, about 5 p.m. (Document 203)
- Roosevelt–Morgenthau conversation, about 6 p.m. (Document 204)
- Morgenthau–Cherwell meeting, 7:30 p.m. (Document 205)
- Roosevelt–Churchill dinner meeting, 8 p.m. (Document 206)
- King–Cunningham meeting (Document 193)
- Saturday, September 16, 1944 (Documents 207–212)
- Meeting of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 10:15 a.m. (Document 207)
- Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, 11 a.m. (Document 208)
- Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff with Roosevelt and
Churchill, noon (Document 209)
- Tripartite luncheon meeting, 1:45 p.m. (Document 210)
- Tripartite press conference, 3:45 p.m. (Document 211)
- Roosevelt–Eden conversation, afternoon (Document 212)
- Meeting of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 10:15 a.m. (Document 207)
- 5. Conference Documents and Supplementary Papers: (Documents 213–290)
- A. Occupation and postwar treatment of Germany (Documents 213–220)
- B. Economic relations with the United Kingdom (Documents 221–224)
- C. Relations with the Soviet Union and aid to the Warsaw
resistance (Documents 225–236)
- D. Italy (Documents 237–243)
- E. Lend-lease for France (Documents 244–248)
- F. Shipment of arms to Ethiopia (Document 249)
- G. Voting formula in the United Nations Security Council (Documents 250–253)
- H. The war in Europe and the Mediterranean (Documents 254–261)
- I. The war in Asia and the Pacific (Documents 262–282)
- J. Final documents of the Conference: (Documents 283–290)
- (1) Treatment of Germany (Documents 283–284)
- (2) Lend-lease to the United Kingdom (Document 285)
- (3) Relations with the French Committee of National
Liberation (Document 286)
- (4) Military conclusions of the Conference (Documents 287–290)
- (1) Treatment of Germany (Documents 283–284)
- A. Occupation and postwar treatment of Germany (Documents 213–220)
- 6. Post-Conference Conversations at Hyde Park (Documents 291–304)
- 1. Agenda and Arrangements for the Conference (Documents 1–71)
- Index of Subjects
- Index of Persons