
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Acting Secretary of State (Stettinius)

Lord Halifax called this morning and said he was very happy to have me here.2

He left an aide-mémoire3 with me relative to the possibility of sending two people to London to discuss Middle Eastern affairs with the Foreign Office. I am sending copies to Messrs. Murray4 and Matthews.5 He suggested that if it were possible for Mr. Wallace Murray to go there quickly and to keep Colonel Hoskins6 there to attend the conference, it would be very helpful to the Foreign Office.

  1. Mr. Stettinius had entered the Department as Under Secretary of State on October 4, 1943.
  2. Supra.
  3. Wallace Murray, Adviser on Political Relations.
  4. H. Freeman Matthews, Chief of the Division of European Affairs.
  5. Lt. Col. Harold B. Hoskins, Personal Representative of President Roosevelt in the Near East in 1942–13, at this time on a mission to London regarding Palestine problems; see pp. 747 ff.