
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Assistant Secretary of State (Acheson)

Participants: Mr. Mehmet Münir Ertegün, the Turkish Ambassador
Mr. Dean Acheson
Mr. Kermit Roosevelt73

The Turkish Ambassador called this morning at my request. I handed him for his consideration a draft lend-lease agreement with Turkey, an aide-mémoire, and drafts of the exchange of notes which would take place on the signing of the agreement.74 I explained to him that the agreement followed the regular formula which has developed for such agreements.

The Turkish Ambassador said that he was very glad to receive these documents. He had understood some time ago that a definite agreement would soon be proposed and had been puzzled because of the delay. He said further that the situation with respect to Turkish lend-lease had been vague and subject to many changes since 1941.

I stated my belief that the agreement, the aide-mémoire and the notes would clear up many of the ambiguities, but pointed out that of course they do not take up all the specific administrative procedures.

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The Ambassador said further that he was especially glad to receive the agreement, since he regards the lend-lease agreements as a major step forward in the direction of establishing the framework for fruitful international collaboration after the war. He said that he would study the documents and would communicate with me as soon as he is ready for further discussions of that sort.

Dean Acheson
  1. Kermit Roosevelt, Jr., staff member in the office of Assistant Secretary Acheson.
  2. Draft lend-lease agreement not printed; for draft exchange of notes and aide-mémoire, see pp. 1088 and 1096, respectively.