740.0011 European War 1939/27231
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Secretary of State
The Spanish Ambassador2 called at his request for the purpose, as he said, of paying his respects and expressing the good will of his people and his Government at the beginning of the New Year. I expressed due appreciation and said that I, my Government and the American people, I knew, reciprocated fully what he said. I added that, in accordance with our good neighbor policy involving all practical cooperation with other countries such as has been carried forward in South America, we are pleased at all times to cooperate to the fullest practical extent with his Government and his people.
The Ambassador said that his Government desired that he should advise me of the emphasis which his Government and the Government of Portugal have placed upon the recent Iberian pact3 and the fixed purpose of each Government to exert themselves to the fullest extent to preserve their neutrality and keep out of war. I said that, while we were duly appreciative of this decision, I could with equal truth say that it is in my judgment a wise decision from every standpoint pertaining to the welfare and safety of the peoples of these countries. Spain and Portugal are therefore wise in assuming and giving the strongest emphasis to their position.