740.00119 European War 1939/2095

The British Embassy to the Department of State

His Majesty’s Embassy presents its compliments to the Department of State, and has the honour to refer to the Department’s memorandum of November 16th on the subject of the full terms of surrender of Italy.

His Majesty’s Government appreciate the agreement of the United States Government to the proposal to communicate the text of the full terms of the Italian surrender to the representatives in London of the European members of the United Nations who are at war with Italy and to those of Iraq and Ethiopia, and will take this action as soon as the protocol of amendment has been executed. On reconsideration His Majesty’s Government have decided that there would be no advantage in handing to the representatives of the Allied Governments the text of General Eisenhower’s letter to Marshal Badoglio.

In view of the objections advanced by the State Department, His Majesty’s Government withdraw their proposal to publish the long terms of surrender at the present time.