740.00119 European War 1939/1953: Telegram

The Ambassador to the Greek Government in Exile (Kirk) to the Secretary of State

Greek Series No. 101. Prime Minister39 in communication dated November 7, 1943, states that Royal Hellenic Government was astonished when informed by a publication of the Times on October 31 that 1 month before, an agreement with Italy comprising 40 articles defining the political, economic and financial terms of the armistice with that country was signed by the Allies on September 29, 1943.

[Page 391]

The Prime Minister’s communication continues as quoted in my immediately following telegram.40

The Foreign Office advises informally that in reply to a protest in this regard by the Greek Ambassador in London,41 Sir Alexander Cadogan42 confirmed signature of new agreement but aside from promising to investigate matter offered no comment.

The failure to consult Greece in advance in this instance has created a most unfortunate impression in official circles here where it has been interpreted as a deference to Italian sensibilities at the expense of a small ally and has been coupled with the reception accorded Colonel Laios, Greece’s representative in Algiers (see my telegram No. 95, November 3, 9 a.m.43). Since we associated ourselves with the British in communicating the terms of the original agreement to the Greek Government (see Department’s 23, August 28, 7 p.m., and my despatch No. 25 of August 31st44) and consequently would seem to have been obligated at least jointly with the British to continue to keep the Greek Government informed of later developments, I should appreciate a clarification of this matter for communication to the Greek Prime Minister.

  1. Emmanuel J. Tsouderos.
  2. No. 102, not printed.
  3. Thanassis Aghnides.
  4. British Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.
  5. Not printed.
  6. Neither printed.