
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Chief of the Division of European Affairs (Matthews)

M. Baudet called this afternoon to renew an acquaintanceship from London and I handed him a copy of the President’s announcement with regard to the French Committee of National Liberation. M. Baudet read it and seemed pleased. He said that he felt that the announcement provided a working basis for relations between the American Government and the Committee and he was glad the step had been taken. While his manner implied he would naturally have liked to see it go farther he offered no criticism either of its contents or wording. He remarked that of course the Committee had never asked to be recognized as a Government and did not expect such recognition.

In the course of the conversation he said that with regard to frozen French funds in this country the Algiers Committee felt that it had no right to touch them and hoped they would remain frozen pending establishment of a French Government after the liberation of his country.

M. Baudet also handed me a letter informing the Department of the change in his Delegation’s status, namely that henceforth his office will be called the Delegation of the French Committee of National Liberation and that for the time being he will remain in charge. This action, the letter states, is based on instructions from the Committee.

H. Freeman Matthews