The Secretary of State to the Belgian Ambassador (Straten-Ponthoz)
The Secretary of State presents his compliments to His Excellency the Belgian Ambassador and has the honor to refer to the memorandum left with the Under Secretary of State by the Ambassador on December 1, 19427 concerning currency measures to be taken when a United States expeditionary force is sent to Belgium.
The memorandum under reference and the relevant declaration transmitted with the Ambassador’s memorandum of December 15, 19427 have been brought before the appropriate authorities of the Government of the United States. The latter are in agreement that, subject to the proviso that military necessity and secrecy pertaining thereto may preclude the possibility of definite commitment in advance in all details of such matters, the views of the Belgian Government will be given due consideration. They expect in due course to discuss these matters with the appropriate representatives of the Government of Belgium in Washington.