125.0051/395a: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Consul General at Algiers (Wiley)
1352. For Murphy.32 Department received last month from Swiss Legation in charge of German interests exorbitant demands from German Government for exchange of Tuck and the rest of the official party at Baden Baden. Department informed German Government through the same channels that these demands are inacceptable and that it stands ready to resume negotiations when the German Government is ready to negotiate on the basis of the Department’s compromise proposal of April 3.
The chances of effecting the release of Tuck and his party would be materially increased if the Department should be able to obtain custody of important German civilian officials, preferably possessing consular or diplomatic status. Department already has custody of sufficient Italian officials to effect exchange of American officials captured by Italians at Monte Carlo. It is accordingly hoped that the armed forces will miss no opportunity to obtain custody of accredited civilian German officials who might be used in strengthening Department’s hand for release of Tuck and his party.
- Robert D. Murphy, Chief Civil Affairs Officer at Algiers; U.S. Political Adviser, staff of Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean Theater.↩