Moscow Embassy Files, Lot F–96
The Chargé in the Soviet Union (Hamilton) to the Soviet People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs (Molotov)
My Dear Mr. Molotov: I am setting forth herewith a secret and personal message of September 27 to Marshal Stalin from President Roosevelt which I have received this morning:
“Personal and secret to Marshal Stalin from President Roosevelt.
“I regret that I feel it necessary to reopen the question of the meeting of the foreign ministers, but on further consideration I am most anxious that Secretary Hull attend in person in the meeting with Mr. Molotov and Mr. Eden.
“Mr. Hull would find the long flight to Moscow extremely difficult for physical reasons. Would it be possible, therefore, for the conference to be held in England. It would, I believe, be a great advantage to all of us if Mr. Hull could personally attend the conference.
“I feel sure the British would be willing to make the change. Could the date be made October 15 for the opening session.”
I would appreciate it if you would transmit this message to Marshal Stalin.35
Sincerely yours,
- In a note to the Charge dated the same day, Mr. Molotov acknowledged receipt of the letter and stated that he had transmitted the message to Marshal Stalin.↩