125.0051/286: Telegram

The Minister in Switzerland (Harrison) to the Secretary of State

530. American interests—Germany. Legation’s 393 January 177 official group Baden Baden. Foreign Office’s notes January 20 and 21 transmit reports from De Montenach and Soldati Swiss representatives Baden Baden regarding voyage official group from Lourdes and conditions Baden Baden. Both state voyage satisfactory and comfortable no complaints.

De Montenach states officials permitted take all baggage desired (see Legation’s 216 January 118) and only 25 sacks containing archives and 16 bicycles left Lourdes. These will be taken Vichy and stored Swiss Legation there.

Problems arose regarding money but after intervention Swiss Legation each member group allowed take 20,000 French francs plus any foreign currency possessed.

De Montenach states he and Tuck9 agreed on following points regarding transfer American group Baden Baden.

Regrettable American Government did not agree immediately representation Vichy interests United States by Switzerland10 this weakened French and Swiss position in exchange diplomatic missions.
Notwithstanding reasons compelling transfer German Consular and Armistice Commission North Africa unfortunate no news given regarding whereabouts.
All proposals made for exchange French and American groups based on erroneous though justified assumption that only French Government came into consideration in negotiations. This attitude ignored real fact that French Government did not have free hand as result German intervention which French were forced accept. Resulting delays constitute cause transfer Baden Baden. Although formally protesting German decision Tuck accepts it with resignation. Understands that his repatriation now is based on exchange and he is ready to be last to benefit from any agreement. Therefore he approves any effort made with his Government’s agreement to hasten repatriation certain elements in group as for instance Red Cross members.

Soldati’s report states trip from Lourdes uneventful. No inspection at demarcation line or German frontier. Group in Brenners Park Hotel better off than Lourdes each room running water most with bath hotel heated and more comfortable than Bad Nauheim. Garden available till 5 p.m. and walks allowed adjacent park. Persons permitted attend Protestant and Catholic services Baden Baden. Regarding King’s11 escape German authorities stated lost all exterritorial rights and if caught would probably be placed concentration camp end war.

German authorities informed group in case infractions discipline by individual members of group privileges would be cancelled. Escapees would henceforth have no claim exchange or diplomatic treatment.

Group expressed desire exercise place Germans stated such authorization could not be granted prior receipt reports regarding facilities accorded German group.

All mail to be handed representative Foreign Office and subject censorship. Tuck can telephone Swiss representative Berlin. According German Foreign Office official further treatment of group depends treatment French diplomats and Germans arrested North Africa.

German Foreign Office representative Counselor of Legation Schlemann discharging duties with tact and endeavoring make stay as pleasant possible.

Germans constantly emphasize present treatment only provisional pending reports regarding treatment German Consular group North Africa and members Armistice Commission. Soldati points out German authorities unaware present whereabouts these groups and treatment accorded them. Believed possible members Armistice Commission detained prisoners of war camp. Germans consider members Armistice Commission Consulate represent similar Americans [Page 78] Baden Baden and accordingly if reports detention Germans prisoners war camps true, high officials German Foreign Office will take reprisals treatment Baden Baden group. Future position therefore depends reports received regarding internment Germans.

According present information Dupont representative Vichy Foreign Office will be replaced by colleague remaining Baden Baden permanently. Soldati states French representative most reserved. Frey proceeding shortly Bern where verbal report will be made Swiss Foreign Office. Soldati leaving Baden Baden soon being replaced Caillat Bordier who will be permanent Swiss representative.

Translation both reports follows airmail.

  1. Not printed; it reported safe arrival in Baden Baden on January 16 of American group from Lourdes totaling 134 (125.0051/278).
  2. Not printed.
  3. S. Pinkney Tuck, former Chargé of Embassy at Vichy.
  4. With regard to Swiss representation of Vichy interests in the United States, see Department of State publication No. 2693, Protection of Foreign Interests: A Study in Diplomatic and Consular Practice, by William McHenry Franklin (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1946), pp. 151–152.
  5. Roger D. King, unofficial secretary to the Consul General at Marseille for a short period.