Moscow Embassy Files, Lot F–96
The Chairman of the Soviet Council of People’s Commissars (Stalin) to President Roosevelt 22
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2. With regard to the meeting of our three representatives I propose that we consider as settled the place of meeting—Moscow, and also the time of the meeting—October 4—as the President has proposed.
I also believe that in the interest of the success of this meeting it is necessary to know in advance those proposals which the English and American Governments have to discuss at the meeting of the three representatives. I have already written about this. In this respect, however, I do not propose any limitations in regard to the agenda.
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- This message was telegraphed by Mr. Molotov to Soviet Charge Gromyko in Washington for transmission to the President. Mr. Molotov sent the text of the message to Ambassador Standley on September 12, from which this translation was made.↩
- The other portions of this message are printed on p. 786 and in Foreign Relations, The Conferences at Cairo and Tehran, 1943, p. 25.↩