The Chairman of the Soviet Council of Peopled Commissars (Stalin) to President Roosevelt 18
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Second. I consider that the beginning of October as the Prime Minister suggested, would be convenient time for the meeting of the three our representatives, and I propose as the place of the meeting—Moscow. By that time the three Governments could have reached an agreement regarding the questions which have to be discussed as well as the proposals on those questions, without which (agreement) the meeting will not give the necessary results in which our Governments are interested.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
,] September 8, 1943.
- Copy of telegram obtained from the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Hyde Park, N. Y.; it was transmitted by the Soviet Charge” in the United States, Andrey Andreyevich Gromyko.↩
- Other portions of this message are printed on p. 784 and in Foreign Relations, The Conferences at Cairo and Tehran, 1943, pp. 23–24.↩