740.00116 European War 1939/1074: Telegram
The Chargé in Argentina (Reed) to the Secretary of State
[Received September 1—11:17 a.m.]
1997. Department’s 1132, 13th [30th].16 Foreign Office made public last evening text of reply to British note regarding war criminal refugees. Communiqué stated similar reply made to this Embassy but we have not yet received it.17 Note states in substance that Argentine Government distinguishes between common crimes and political offenses; that it holds asylum should be granted only in case of political offense and that it will decide accordingly each case that may be presented. Note is couched in courteous terms and is accompanied by explanatory communiqué. Full text by mail.18
- See footnote 5, p. 461.↩
- Copy of reply transmitted to the Department by the Chargé in Argentina in his despatch No. 11722, September 1.↩
- Copy of translation of the Foreign Office communiqué published in La Nación, September 1, 1943, transmitted to the Department by the Chargé in Argentina in his despatch No. 11795, September 4.↩