740.00116 EW 1939/4–1144
Circular Issued by Allied Force Headquarters at Algiers on November 27, 194339
Algiers, November 27, 1943
- 1.
- The ultimate disposition of persons charged with the commission of war crimes is a matter for consideration by the governments of the Allied Nations.
- 2.
- Trials by military courts of persons suspected of war crimes will not be held unless directed by this headquarters. Such persons will be held in custody pending decision as to their disposal. While suspects are under detention all available information about them and about war crimes of which they are suspect will be collected and forwarded to this headquarters.
- 3.
- The following procedure will govern:
- a.
- Secret reports, through command channels, will be made to this headquarters containing all possible information concerning the specific individual held under detention as a war criminal suspect and concerning the time, place, character and details of the alleged war crime. It is imperative that each report include not only the names and addresses of witnesses but also the gist of the evidence which each may reasonably be expected to give in any proceedings which may later be resorted to to perpetuate such testimony for trial purposes. In order that these investigations may be kept strictly within command channels, they will be made by persons subject to the direct orders of the Commanding Officer making the report.
- b.
- Reports submitted to this headquarters shall pertain only to persons then being held in detention.
- c.
- For the purpose of this directive, war crimes are acts committed by persons in violation of the laws and customs of war. Should any doubt exist as to whether reported acts constitute war crimes, the case will be reported as above directed for consideration by this headquarters.
- d.
- When reports are received at this headquarters and further investigation is considered advisable, either unit commanders will be directed to make the supplementary investigation or the supplementary investigation will be carried on directly from this headquarters.
- e.
- When any change in the place of detention of a person upon whom a report has been made is directed by any authority other than this headquarters, an immediate report of such change will be made to this headquarters, in order that any supplementary investigation may be expeditiously carried on.
- 4.
- Situations may come to the attention of Commanding Officers in which the alleged war criminal is not in detention or may even be performing duties not incompatible with the Allied cause. In order that orderly procedure with respect to such situations may be followed, Commanding Officers will report such cases to this headquarters with all available information.
- 5.
- Italians who commit crimes against Italian Nationals are not to be considered as war criminals and such persons will be handed over to Italian Government representatives for trial.
- 6.
- Persons who commit crimes against members of the Allied Command during the period of occupation of Italian territory may be charged and tried before military tribunals in accordance with established practice.
- 7.
- It is enjoined upon all persons of this command to refrain from giving any publicity whatever to war crimes or war criminals or to any act taken by the military forces with respect thereto.
The release of any information concerning war crimes or war criminals is specifically reserved to this headquarters. (AG 000.5–1 GAP–AGMO)
By command of General Eisenhower:
Major General, G.S.C., Chief of Staff
W. B. Smith
Major General, G.S.C., Chief of Staff
- Copy received from the War Department in a letter dated April 11, 1944.↩