740.0011 Moscow/81a: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Gauss)
1528. With reference to last paragraph of 1525, October 26, midnight, following are final changes in text as signed today in Moscow:
Preamble add words “of America” after “the United States”.
Numbered paragraph 1, unchanged.
Numbered paragraph 2, omit “and to any occupation of enemy territory and of territory of other states held by that enemy”.
Numbered paragraph 3, the last two words “their enemies” should read “the enemy”.
Numbered paragraph 4, make appropriate correction to read “and open to membership by all ‘such’ states, large and small, etc.”.
Numbered paragraph 5, make necessary correction that sentence may read “inauguration of a system of general security, etc.”.
Numbered paragraph 6 has been amended to read “That after the termination of hostilities they will not employ their military forces within the territories of other states except for the purposes envisaged in this declaration and after joint consultation”.
Numbered paragraph 7 has been amended to read “That they will confer and cooperate with one another and with other members of the United Nations to bring about a practicable general agreement with respect to the regulation of armaments in the postwar period”.
Numbered paragraph 8, has been dropped entirely.