
The Acting Secretary of State (Stettinius) to the Adviser on Political Relations (Murray)1


Mr. Murray:

Subject: Today’s meeting with the President.

The following items from this meeting are sent to you either as of interest or on an action basis.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3. Mr. Jernegan.

For your secret information. The President will want to see Mr. Jernegan. Will you be good enough at the proper time (date of arrival) to cable Jernegan to be available for such a discussion.2

4. Arabs.

The President said he did not think he should see the Arabs this time.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6. Ambassador Steinhardt.

For your secret information. The President wishes a cable sent to Ambassador Steinhardt ten days after his departure asking him to report to Cairo as of that day. Until then he does not wish any information sent to the Ambassador. Will you be good enough to have an appropriate telegram sent on the proper day.3

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

E[dward] S[tettinius]
  1. For additional excerpts from this memorandum, see post, p. 155.
  2. On November 22, 1943, the Department sent to the Minister at Tehran a telegram (not printed herein), prepared in Stettinius’ office, which requested that Jernegan “hold himself available for important consultations” and that “transportation facilities westward” be held available for him.
  3. In the margin at this point appears the hand-written notation “W. M. I will handle ES”. See post, p. 100.