Editorial Note
No official record of the conversation at this meeting has been found. According to Leahy, p. 213, the conversation dealt with (1) the allocation of forces for the operation against the Andaman Islands or alternatively against Rhodes, and (2) the choice of zones of occupation in Germany as between the United States and the United Kingdom. With regard to the first topic, Leahy states that Roosevelt insisted on the Andaman Islands operation and emphasized that promises made to Chiang should be fully carried out. With respect to the second topic, Churchill and Eden argued for British occupation of the northwestern zone in Germany. See also ante, p. 253; post, p. 688; and Churchill, pp. 408–409.
The list of those present is derived from the Log, ante,). 656. Neither Churchill nor Leahy mentions Hopkins’ presence, and Leahy refers to those present at the meeting as a party of four. Roosevelt acted as host.