Roosevelt Papers: Telegram (paraphrase)

The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman) to the President1


Personal and secret for the President from Harriman.

Unless you meet [need?] us some place earlier, I plan to be in Cairo by the 22nd with Deane, Bohlen, Lt Mei[kl]ejohn and an army interpreter Capt Ware. None of us here have heard of any senior Soviet staff officer who speaks English and Molotov could not think of one when I asked him. It is not clear how many Soviet staff officers you [Page 81] expect in Cairo as your cable2 speaks of a military representative in the singular and Churchill’s cable to Stalin3 expresses the hope that Molotov will bring a strong staff. It would be helpful if you would cable me urgently so that I can clarify this point to Molotov.4

  1. Sent to Washington by the United States Naval Attaché, Moscow, via Navy channels.
  2. Roosevelt’s message of November 8, 1943, to Stalin, ante, p. 71.
  3. The cable quoted in Churchill’s telegram 500, November 10, 1943, to Roosevelt, ante, p. 78.
  4. On November 14, 1943, Mathewson, of the White House Map Room, sent Harriman a message, in Stettinius’ name, to the effect that no reply to this telegram, or to Harriman’s telegrams to Hopkins (see post, p. 85), was possible for the time being, as the addressees were on a trip. Mathewson sent the three messages to Oran by pouch, for delivery on the arrival of Roosevelt and Hopkins there.