Index of Subjects
(Index of persons follows this index)
- Admiralty Islands, proposed military operations in, 429
- Airfields, floating, construction of, 890–891, 900, 989–992, 1131, 1207–1208, 1215–1216, 1224, 1227–1229, 1242–1243
- Akyab, proposed military operations against, 431, 437–438, 879, 901–902, 906, 946–947, 978
- Albania: Food shipments to, 83n ; proposed military operations in, 14, 41; sovereignty of, 547, 608, 1168
- Aleutian Islands, military situation and operations in, 31, 134–135, 146, 229, 237, 356, 369, 419, 427, 843, 878, 984, 987, 999, 1028
- Allied Anti-Submarine Survey Board, 95n , 161–162, 179, 509–512, 884, 1039, 1294–1300
- Alsace–Lorraine, 754–757
- Anakim . See Burma.
- Andaman Islands, proposed military operations in, 118, 937–938
- Anti-submarine warfare, 25, 95, 120, 161–163, 178–179, 186, 189, 228, 230, 237, 305, 353–354, 360–361, 366, 372–373, 509–512, 853–855, 871, 884–885, 1025, 1039, 1122–1123, 1197, 1219–1221, 1294–1300; Axis submarine losses, 162–163, 192, 398, 406, 413, 460, 609, 833–834, 1300–1302
- Armaments Inspection Commission, 694, 697–698
- Assault craft. See Landing craft allocations.
- Atlantic Charter, 1941, 327, 523, 673, 693, 703–704, 718, 720, 733, 802, 812, 816, 1253
- Atlantic Conference, 1941, 836n
- Atomic energy research: Agreement on, drafts and text, 638, 647–648, 1117–1119; purchase of patents connected with, 632; U.S.–U.K. cooperation in, 1–11, 188–189, 221, 447–448, 630–653, 894, 1096–1097, 1197, 1210–1211, 1310–1313
- Australia: Aircraft reinforcements to, 138, 289; lines of communication to, protection of, 146–147, 229; representation by of Polish interests in the Soviet Union, proposal for, 324–325
- Austria: Austrian question, 1111–1112; frontier with Germany, 752–753; frontier with Italy, 789–791, 1112–1113
- Avalanche . See Italy: Peninsula, Allied invasion of.
- Aviation, civil. See Civil aviation policy, postwar.
- Axis powers in Europe, strategic concept for defeat of, 100–102, 112–116, 118, 154–155, 348, 354–356, 367–368, 864–868, 870–871, 875, 1023–1024
- Azores Islands: Discussions concerning, 33, 47–48, 85–86, 91–92, 98–100, 120, 152–153, 182–183, 186, 190–191, 235, 304–312, 347, 353–354, 360–361, 366, 371–373, 479, 609–610, 612–616, 880, 886–887, 912, 942, 1039, 1091–1092, 1225; U.S. interest in air base rights in, 610–612, 886–887, 899, 1123, 1135–1136, 1293–1294
- Balkan countries: Guerrillas in, supplies to and use of, 1025, 1030–1032, 1034–1035, 1145, 1229–1230; proposed military operations in, 26, 30n , 32–33, 41, 194, 475, 477, 479, 483, 498–499, 898–899, 1025, 1039, 1213–1215, 1289, 1292
- Baltic States, 1114
- Belgium: Arms for troops in, 1030, 1032; Brussels, declaration of as an open city, 1940, 596–597; frontier with Germany, 757–760; situation in, 461
- Belgrade, declaration of as an open city, 1941, 597–598
- Berlin, entry of troops into, 942
- Bermuda Conference on Refugees, 1943, 336, 336n , 343, 1043
- Bismarck Archipelago, proposed military operations in, 148, 229, 237, 303–304, 349, 356, 369, 429, 1127, 1144n
- Bolero . See United Kingdom, buildup of forces in.
- Bomber offensive. See under Germany, Allied efforts against.
- Brazil, 120–121, 191, 308–309, 696, 1321
- Brussels, declaration of as an open city, 1940, 596–597
- Bulgaria (see also Balkan countries), 29, 454–455, 461, 518, 705, 1075, 1290
- Burma: Air bases in and air operations from, 71–72, 142, 883; aircraft allocations for, 231, 357, 370; Chinese interest in, and participation in military operations in, 89–91, 196, 385–386; Japanese forces in, 420, 427; proposed military operations in, 15–16, 18, 27–28, 31–32, 54–76, 79–80, 87, 113–114, 118–120, 126–132, 137–139, 142, 155–157, 165–166, 172–173, 196, 226–227, 229, 236–237, 240n , 290–291, 293–295, 298, 303–304, 349, 356, 369, 428, 430, 431, 433–439, 443, 904, 906–909, 938–939, 945–946, 978, 985, 987–988, 993–994, 1127, 1136–1137, 1160–1161; shipping shortages in, 13, 15
- Burma Road. See Burma, proposed military operations in.
- Canada: Air rights in, 680, 1322–1323, 1325; anti-submarine warfare announcement, approval of, 1301–1302; atomic energy matters, participation in, 641, 646, 831, 1118, 1312; French Committee of National Liberation, relations with, 664, 666–668, 1108–1109, 1171–1172; Habbakuk Board, membership on, 1224n ; hospital ships, suggestion regarding, 1202; Joint War Aid Committee, U.S.–Canada, creation of, 653–660, 929, 1119; Legation in the U.S., question of Embassy rank for, 141, 335n ; munitions, Chinese efforts to purchase from, 440–441, 659–660, 936, 1240; Quebec Conference, question of participation in, 396–400; U.S., relations with, 334–335
- Caroline Islands, proposed military operations in, 148, 229, 237, 303–304, 350, 356, 369, 428–429, 978, 987, 1126, 1144n
- Casablanca Conference, 1943, 1n , 17, 25n , 52, 87, 88n , 89, 144, 223, 288, 293, 320n , 358, 634, 836n , 856, 872, 940, 1029
- Chile, diplomatic relations with Italy, 590n
- China: Airfields in, 290, 907, 982, 996–997, 999; American air forces in, 135–136, 142, 430, 433–434, 972, 994, 1145–1146; Burma campaign, participation in, 883, 961; consultation with on Far East questions, 288–289; estimate of situation in, 87–91, 422, 878; international position of, 928; Japanese forces in, 139–140, 419–421, 423–424, 427; Manchuria, 419–421, 423, 427, 628–629; military assistance to, 18, 27–28, 31–32, 44, 56, 62–64, 70–77, 229, 233, 237, 288, 295–298, 302, 972–973; military operations in, 70–77, 155–157, 196, 349, 356, 369; munitions, efforts to purchase from Canada, 440–441, 659–660, 936, 1240; representation at Allied conferences, interest in, 440–443, 914, 1239–1240; Soviet influence on Communists in, 628; supply routes and pipeline for gasoline to, 79, 136, 140–141, 147–148, 230, 295–298, 858–860, 878, 907–909, 938–939, 960, 971–975, 984, 987, 993–994, 999, 1003–1006, 1132, 1157; Tibet, relations with, 138, 298–300
- Civil administration of liberated territory, 513–516, 919, 930, 931–932, 1204, 1237
- Civil aviation policy, postwar, 679–681, 725, 880, 1319–1332, 1339–1340
- Code names, 144, 155, 206, 394–395, 1222
- Combined Chiefs of Staff:
- Documents:
- CCS 105, Transportation of Landing Craft, 239n
- CCS 105/4, same, 989n
- CCS 127/2, Scale of Attack on the East and West Coasts of North America, 1092n
- CCS 127/3, same, 1092–1095, 1221
- CCS 155/1, Conduct of War in 1943, 52, 93, 145, 223–224
- CCS 166/1/D, Husky, 240n
- CCS 168, Conduct of the War in the Pacific Theater in 1943, 145
- CCS 170/2, Final Report to the President and Prime Minister, 88n , 223, 226, 293
- CCS 174, Loss Rate for 1943, 235
- CCS 185/2/D, Policy for Coming Operations Regarding Propaganda and Subversive Activities, 180, 326n
- CCS 185/3, same, 100, 125, 163–164, 180, 326
- CCS 185/4, same, 164n , 180, 326n , 330–331
- CCS 190/6/D, Charter, Civil Affairs Committee, 1204n , 1237
- CCS 190/7, Planning for the Handling of Civil Affairs in Enemy-Occupied Areas Which May Become Theaters of Operations, 1204, 1237
- CCS 196/1. Intelligence and Quasi-Intelligence Activities in India, 1238
- CCS 196/2, same, 424–426, 1203–1204, 1238
- CCS 196/3, same, 1203–1204, 1237–1238
- CCS 196/4, same, 1204, 1240–1241
- CCS 203, Measures for Combating the Submarine Menace, 1298n
- CCS 206, Military Supplies for Turkey, 144
- CCS 210/2, British and U.S. Secrecy Definitions, 1203
- CCS 215. Invasion of the European Continent From the United Kingdom in 1943–1944, 82n , 238–239
- CCS 217, Plan for Combined Bomber Offensive From the United Kingdom, 80n , 104–106, 153n , 230n , 239–253, 347n
- CCS 219, Conduct of War in 1943–1944, 54n , 227–229, 303
- CCS 220, Strategic Plan for the Defeat of Japan, 125–126, 289–293, 302, 427
- CCS 222/2, Future Convoy Arrangements in the Atlantic, 940, 1040, 1047
- CCS 222/3, same, 959–960, 1047–1048
- CCS 222/4, same, 1047n , 1048n
- CCS 223, Operations in the European Theater Between Husky and Roundup , 54n , 257–261
- CCS 225, Operations From India, 1943–1944, 54n , 293–295
- CCS 226, Use of Portuguese Atlantic Islands, 48n , 85n , 91–93, 304–307
- CCS 226/1, same, 93n , 98–100, 307n
- CCS 226/2, same, 93n , 98n , 99n , 100, 307–308, 310n
- CCS 227, Relief and Supplies for Occupied and Liberated Territories, 83n , 85n , 115n
- CCS 228/3, Hospital Ships, 1202n , 1318n
- CCS 228/6, same, 1202
- CCS 228/7, same, 1318
- CCS 229, Potentialities of Air Route From Assam to China, 79n , 132–133, 142, 230n
- CCS 231, Operations in Burma To Open and Secure an Overland Route to China, 79n , 126–132, 142, 230n
- CCS 232, Agreed Essentials in the Conduct of the War, 78n , 93–94, 97–98, 231n
- CCS 232/1, same, 78n , 93n , 94, 98, 100, 111, 231–233
- CCS 233, Agenda for the Remaining Conferences, 79n , 94–95, 229n
- CCS 233/1, same, 79n , 94n , 95, 229–231
- CCS 234, Defeat of Axis Powers in Europe (Elimination of Italy First), 84n , 100–102, 112–117, 176n , 230n , 261–272, 273n
- CCS 235, Defeat of Axis Powers in Europe (Concentration of Largest Possible Force in U.K.), 84n , 112–117, 230n , 261n , 273–281
- CCS 237, European Operations, 116n , 118, 281n
- CCS 237/1, same, 116n , 118, 261n , 273n , 281–282
- CCS 238, Operations in Burma, 1943–1944, 142
- CCS 239, Operations in the Pacific and Far East in 1943–1944, 145–148
- CCS 239/1, same, 145n , 230n , 302–304, 349n
- CCS 240, Sonic Warfare, 164
- CCS 241, Anti-U–Boat Warfare, 161–163, 178–179
- CCS 241/1, same, 161–163, 178–179
- CCS 241/3, same, 179
- CCS 241/4, same, 179
- CCS 242, Draft of Agreed Decisions, 149n , 152, 155n , 346–351, 359, 361–362, 364
- CCS 242/1, same, 346, 351n
- CCS 242/2, same, 152, 153n , 155n , 156n , 184–186, 346, 351–358, 359n , 372n , 373n
- CCS 242/3, same, 157n , 186, 189–197, 199n , 203n , 347n , 351n , 359–363, 364n
- CCS 242/4, same, 199–200, 203–204, 359n , 363, 364n
- CCS 242/5, same, 199–200, 203–204, 363–364
- CCS 242/6, Final Report to the President and Prime Minister, 183n , 199n , 203n , 231n , 238n , 281n , 303n , 353n , 359n , 360n , 363n , 364–373, 401–402, 427, 473n , 850, 857, 976–977, 980
- CCS 243, Third Soviet Protocol, 183
- CCS 244, Implementation of Assumed Basic Undertakings and Specific Operations for the Conduct of the War, 1943–1944, 180–181, 233n
- CCS 244/1, same, 180n , 181n , 233–237, 313n , 453, 1133n
- CCS 246, Movement of the Queens, 179
- CCS 246/1, same, 939, 1041–1042
- CCS 247, Directive on Organization and Operation of Military Government for Husky , 187
- CCS 247/5/D, same, 187n
- CCS 248, Provision of New L.S.I. (L)’s, 187
- CCS 248/1, same, 187
- CCS 249, Code Names for Agreed Operations, 206n
- CCS 250, Implementation or Decisions Reached at the Trident Conference, 200
- CCS 250/1, same, 200n , 284–287, 368n
- CCS 251, Proposals for Improving Combined Planning, 201–202
- CCS 251/1, same, 202
- CCS 252/2, Tidal wave Air Force, 584, 871–874
- CCS 255, Operations of Red Air Force Subsequent to Soapsuds , 1245n
- CCS 255/1, same, Subsequent to Tidalwave , 1206, 1224–1225, 1245–1246
- CCS 255/2, same, 1225n , 1256n
- CCS 258, Surrender Terms for Italy and Draft Declaration and Proclamation, 522n , 525–526, 537n , 560, 580, 950, 1083–1086
- CCS 258/1, same, 560, 580, 1083–1086
- CCS 270, Land Airport Facilities in the Azores, 611
- CCS 270/4, same, 1293n
- CCS 270/5, same, 610–612, 880–887
- CCS 270/6, same, 886–887
- CCS 270/7, Plans for the Use of the Azores, 1225, 1293–1294
- CCS 272/1, Logistic Organization To Improve Mobility of Antisubmarine Squadrons, 509–512, 884–885, 1294n , 1295n
- CCS 272/2, same, 1219–1220, 1294–1295
- CCS 284/3/D, Directive Covering Responsibility and Procedure for Planning, Coordination, and Execution of Deception Measures Against Japan, 415–416, 884
- CCS 286, Formation by U.S. Assault Forces for Operation Overlord , 1041
- CCS 286/1, same, 452
- CCS 286/2, same, 452–453, 1026
- CCS 286/3, same, 891, 1026
- CCS 288, Proposed Agenda for Quadrant , 400–401, 404, 850n , 1029, 1049
- CCS 288/1, same, 402–404, 850n , 1029, 1049
- CCS 288/2, same, 404–405, 1029, 1049
- CCS 288/3, Quadrant Conference Agenda, 412–413, 850
- CCS 294, Liberated Yugoslav Prisoners, 1246n
- CCS 294/1, same, 1206, 1246–1250
- CCS 300, Estimate of the Enemy Situation, 1943–1944: Pacific-Far East Area, 417–424, 426–427
- CCS 300/1, same, European Area, 453–467, 852n , 871n
- CCS 301, Specific Operations in the Pacific and Far East, 1943–1944, 413, 426–432, 857n , 876–878, 921, 971, 981, 993
- CCS 301/1, same, 878n , 921, 971–972, 978, 993–994, 1001n
- CCS 301/2, same, 921, 993–994
- CCS 303, Strategic Concept for the Defeat of the Axis in Europe, 412, 472–482, 854n , 864–868, 870, 875, 1024n , 1099
- CCS 303/1, same, 870, 875, 1023–1024
- CCS 303/2, same, 875, 1024n
- CCS 303/3, same, 875, 1024–1026, 1031, 1038–1039
- CCS 304, Operation Overlord —Outline Plan, 483–496, 866n , 868, 896n , 1038n
- CCS 305, Effect of Indian Floods on Burma Campaign, 435n , 972
- CCS 305/1, same, 862n , 881–882, 972–973, 1006n
- CCS 306, Rome—An Open City, 863–864, 1054–1055
- CCS 307, Artificial Harbors for Combined Operations, 868, 1008–1009
- CCS 307/1, same, 1243n
- CCS 307/2, same, 1205, 1243–1245
- CCS 308, South East Asia Command, 882–884, 921, 968–971, 992n , 1000–1001
- CCS 308/1, same, 921, 1001n
- CCS 308/2, same, 921, 1002n
- CCS 308/3, same, 884n , 921, 1000–1003, 1129
- CCS 309, Pointblank , 871–874, 1018–1023
- CCS 310, Propaganda Committee, 963, 1097–1098
- CCS 310/1, same, 1202
- CCS 310/2, same, 1203, 1315–1317, 1338
- CCS 310/3, same, 1226, 1316n
- CCS 310/4, same, 1226n , 1317n
- CCS 311, Italian Peace Feelers, 876, 1060n
- CCS 312, Pipeline From India to China, 860n , 938, 973–975, 1003
- CCS 312/1, same, 938, 1003
- CCS 313, Appreciation and Plan for the Defeat of Japan, 126n , 432n , 906–909, 920n , 975–988, 993n , 994
- CCS 313/1, same, 906n , 994
- CCS 314, Allocation of Landing Craft, 892, 1027–1028, 1041
- CCS 314/1, same, 892, 989, 991
- CCS 314/2, same, 892, 991
- CCS 314/3, same, 1041
- CCS 315, Habbakuks, 890–891, 989–991, 1224
- CCS 315/1, same, 890–891, 991–992
- CCS 315/3, same, 1224n
- CCS 315/4, same, 1224n
- CCS 316, Plough Force, 893, 1028–1029
- CCS 317, Equipping Allies, Liberated Forces, and Friendly Neutrals, 893, 905, 939n , 1029–1037, 1049, 1054, 1246–1247
- CCS 317/1, same, 893n , 939–940, 1031n , 1032n
- CCS 317/2, same, 939–940, 1049
- CCS 317/3, same, 939–940, 1053–1054
- CCS 318, Sardinia: Fifth Column Activities, 894n , 905n , 1068–1069
- CCS 318/1, same, 905n , 1069n
- CCS 319, Progress Report to the President and Prime Minister, 890n , 895–903, 992–993, 1037–1039, 1121
- CCS 319/1, same, 920
- CCS 319/2, same, 920n , 937, 1121
- CCS 319/3, Draft Report to the President and Prime Minister, 937–938
- CCS 319/4, same, 938, 942–949, 954–955, 1121n , 1124n , 1127n , 1131n , 1132n
- CCS 319/5, Final Report to the President and Prime Minister, 910n , 920n , 937n , 938n , 942n , 943n , 954n , 955, 963n , 1121–1132, 1138n
- CCS 320, Rankin , 940, 942n , 1010–1018
- CCS 321, Policy Towards Spain, 910, 1099–1101
- CCS 322, Policy Towards Turkey, 910
- CCS 322/1, same, 1138n
- CCS 323, Air Plan for the Defeat of Japan, 921, 995–1000
- CCS 324, Rehabilitation of Occupied and Liberated Territories, 1049n
- CCS 324/1, same, 940, 1049–1051
- CCS 325, Supply Routes in Northeast India, 921, 1003–1005
- CCS 326, Amphibians for Overlord , 939, 1042–1043
- CCS 327, Operations From India, 938–939, 1005–1007
- CCS 328, Directive to General Eisenhower, 955
- CCS 329, Implementation of Assumed Basic Undertakings and Specific Operations for the Conduct of the War, 1943–1944, 955, 962–963, 1132n , 1133n , 1134n , 1135n , 1142n , 1151n , 1152n
- CCS 329/1, Comments by Mr. L. W. Douglas and Lord Leathers on the Dry Cargo Shipping Position, 962–963, 1152n , 1153
- CCS 329/2, Implementation of Assumed Basic Undertakings and Specific Operations for the Conduct of the War, 1943–1944, 955n , 963, 1132–1157
- CCS 330, Light Passenger Vessels for Cross-Channel Operations, 944n
- CCS 331, Netherlands Marine Landing Force, 1204–1205, 1221, 1238–1239
- CCS 332, Propaganda Plans, 1202, 1313–1314
- CCS 333, Data as Basis for Allocation of Landing Craft, 1201
- CCS 334, Slowness of Buildup for Avalanche , 1205–1206, 1263
- CCS 335, Allocation of CVE-Type Ships to England, 1220–1221, 1296–1300
- CCS 336, Allocation of Escort Vessels to the French Navy, 1219
- CCS 338, Selection of Code Designators, 1222
- CCS 339, Directive for the Control Commission and AMG in Italy, 1225–1226, 1269–1273
- CCS 341, Review of Strategic Situation in Light of Italian Collapse, 1222–1224, 1287n , 1290
- CCS 341/1, same, 1222–1224
- CCS 341/2, Report by the Combined Chiefs of Staff to the President and Prime Minister, 1287n , 1290–1292
- Establishment of, 34n , 849n
- Meetings:
- Quebec Conference, First: Aug. 14, 849–862; Aug. 15, 862–869; Aug. 16, 870–874; Aug. 17, 875–880; Aug. 18, 881–887; Aug. 19, 889–894; Aug. 20, 904–911; Aug. 21, 920–921; Aug. 23, 936–941; Aug. 24, 954–964; with Roosevelt and Churchill, Aug. 19, 894–903; Aug. 28, 941–949
- Washington, miscellaneous: July 9, 509n ; July 30, 1029n , 1049n ; Sept. 3, 1200–1206; Sept. 10, 1218–1229; with Churchill, Sept. 11, 1229–1236; with Roosevelt and Churchill, Sept. 9, 1212–1216
- Washington Conference, Third: May 13, 34–48; May 14, 52–66; May 15, 77–86; May 17, 86–96; May 18, 97–108; May 19, 111–119; May 20, 124–133, 142; May 21, 143–149; May 22, 160–165; May 23, 178–183; May 24, 184–188; May 25, 199–202; with Roosevelt and Churchill, May 12, 24–33; May 14, 66–77; May 19, 119–123; May 21, 152–160; May 24, 189–197; May 25, 203–207
- Documents:
- Combined Civil Affairs Committee, 559–561, 580–582, 1082–1086
- Combined Food Board, representation on, 660–661
- Combined Munitions Assignments Board, 440, 680, 892, 1219n , 1240
- Combined planning, proposals for improvement of, 201–202
- Commercial policy, 50, 174, 925–926, 1333
- Commonwealth delegations, meeting of, May 20, 1943, 333
- Communism in postwar Europe, 1077–1078, 1081, 1112, 1188
- Congress, U.S., 728–729, 915–916
- Continental Western Europe, invasion of. See under Germany, Allied efforts against.
- Convoys: To Soviet Union, 26, 625, 627, 853, 930, 932, 1143; trans-Atlantic, 940, 959–960, 1040, 1047–1048, 1092, 1142–1143
- Corsica, proposed military operations in, 13, 42, 46, 103, 225, 253, 258, 265–269, 474, 476–477, 483, 502, 854, 896–897, 1025, 1075, 1289, 1292
- Crete, 705, 898
- Czechoslovakia, frontier with Germany, 743–752
- Curzon Line, 1114
- Danzig, 731–736, 1114
- Declaration of Brussels, 1874, 557
- Denmark, 461, 1030, 1036; request for statement by Roosevelt, 1252–1254
- Dependent areas (see also Trusteeship), 717–721, 914, 919, 926–927, 1333
- Disarmament and arms limitation, 685, 695, 697, 701, 703, 707–708, 1168
- Dodecanese Islands, proposed military operations in and postwar disposition of, 13, 26, 259–260, 266–268, 705, 794–795, 1289, 1292
- Egypt, 122, 342, 679, 696, 796–797, 799, 802, 1116, 1325
- Employment policies, postwar, need for a conference on, 1332–1333, 1336, 1340
- English, Basic, 880
- Eritrea, 798–801
- Ethiopia, 796, 798–801, 831, 1167
- Europe, Council of, 167–168, 688, 699
- Europe, United Nations Commission for, 698, 701–702
- European Advisory Commission (see also Postwar world organization), 932n , 1047n
- European Theater: Air offensive in, 1025; Allied failures in conduct of war in, 467–472; military operations in (see also specific areas), 186, 223–226, 228, 238–287, 412–413, 850–855
- Far Eastern Theater, proposed military operations in (see also specific areas), 66–76, 145–148, 298, 302–304
- “Festung Europa”, 454
- Finland, 454, 461, 466, 910, 1114, 1174
- Formosa, proposed military operations in, 433, 985–986, 988
- Four-Power security declaration: Discussion of, 681–682, 690–691, 700, 728–730, 913–914, 917, 925, 1240; drafts of, 682–683, 692–693
- France (see also French Committee of National Liberation and Continental Western Europe under Germany, Allied efforts against): Air bases in, 854; air rights in, 680; Communist Party in, 323; frontier with Germany, 754–757; German forces in, 238, 263; liberation movement in, 320–324; navy, allocation of escort vessels for, 1219; Paris, declaration of as an open city, 1940, 597; participation in military-political commission by, 1306–1309; post-liberation administration of, 321–323; proposed military operations in southern part of, 269, 464, 475, 477–479, 897–898, 945, 957, 1025, 1038, 1067; situation in, 461; troops, armament and use of, 102–104, 155, 158, 190, 229–230, 237, 350, 358, 363, 371, 665, 898, 939–940, 1029–1034, 1049; Vichy government, 461
- Free Germany Committee, 601, 911, 1115
- French Committee of National Liberation, 192n , 320, 323, 532–534, 1251–1252, 1289; Declaration by United Nations, possible adherence to, 670–671; recognition, consideration of and U.S., U.K., and Canadian statements on, 661–670, 831, 916–917, 919–920, 922, 928, 930, 934, 949–950, 953, 1101–1111, 1158, 1169–1172
- Gas warfare, possible German use of, and declaration on, 555, 593, 1075, 1197, 1206, 1250, 1254
- Germany (see also
Germany, Allied efforts against):
- Aircraft strength and production in, 105, 241, 243–245, 250–251, 270, 852, 872, 1018–1019
- Crimes of in Poland, declaration on, 930–931, 1120
- East Prussia, 686, 731–736, 784, 1114
- France, forces in, 238, 263
- Free Germany Committee, 601, 911, 1115
- Frontiers of, and territorial problems with: Austria, 752–753; Belgium, 757–760; Czechoslovakia, 743–752; France, 754–757; Netherlands, 760–761; Poland, 731–748
- Ground forces, strength of, 275–276, 850–852
- Italy, German troops in, 579, 909–910, 944–945, 1074, 1260
- Jews, treatment of, 1053
- Morale in, 871, 1076
- Naval forces, 42–43, 276
- Postwar partition vs. unity, discussions on, 685, 761–788, 927–928, 1197
- Rhineland, 685, 738, 754, 756–757, 765, 783–784, 787, 1014–1016
- Ruhr, 683, 738, 744, 754–757, 781, 854, 871, 1014–1017
- Silesia, 685, 731, 736–748, 750, 778, 784, 1114
- Situation in after Italian collapse, 512–513; July 30, 453–467; proposed Roosevelt–Churchill statement on, 508–509
- Soviet Union, policy towards, 1075
- Submarine losses, 162–163, 192, 398, 406, 413, 460, 609, 833–834, 1300–1302
- Western Front, German forces on, 458–459
- Wolfram supplies from the Iberian Peninsula, 1100–1101
- Germany, Allied efforts against (see
Anti-submarine warfare; Axis
powers in Europe; Balkan countries; Corsica; European
Theater; France, proposed military
operations in southern part of; Italy, Peninsula, Allied invasion of; Mediterranean Theater; Sardinia; and
- Berlin, entry of troops into, 942
- Bomber offensive against Germany, 25, 27, 37–38, 43, 80–82, 84, 94, 101–102, 104–106, 113, 153–154, 181–182, 192–193, 206, 224, 228, 230, 232, 236, 238–253, 275, 347–348, 354, 367, 459, 474, 479, 852–855, 871–874, 887, 895, 1018–1024, 1038, 1123
- Collapse of prior to Overlord , recommended course of action in event of, 940, 942, 1010–1018, 1125
- Continental Western Europe, invasion of: Air support for, 1216; allocation of landing craft for, 453, 939, 1027–1028, 1041–1043, 1141–1142; command arrangements for, 869, 905, 944; directive regarding, 284–286; forces for, 278–281, 357, 370; French participation in, 155, 191–192, 285, 363; German defenses in, 942; planning for, 27, 43–45, 53, 78, 80–84, 101–102, 112–116, 122–123, 191–193, 222–224, 228, 236, 238–239, 261–262, 271, 275, 277, 286–287, 348, 354–355, 361, 364, 367–368, 452–453, 470–471, 474–476, 483–496, 499–502, 506–508, 863–870, 895–896, 942–944, 1009, 1024–1026, 1038, 1123; Supreme Allied Commander, selection of, 496–498, 830, 929
- Möhne and Eder dams, bombing of, 96, 108, 887
- Gibraltar, Straits of, security of lines of communication in, 47, 306, 480, 855, 958, 1124
- Gilbert Islands, proposed military operations in, 428, 431, 857, 901, 987, 1126, 1137, 1144n
- Graf Zeppelin, 42, 456, 1093
- Great Britain. See this index, passim.
- Greece: EAM, 1044; food shipments to, 83n ; Italian armistice delegation, desire to participate in, 1191–1192, 1265–1267; policy toward, 930, 932–934, 1339; political and military situation in, 462, 705, 914–915, 1044–1046; proposed military operations in, 41, 102, 259; territorial claims by, 794, 1266; troops of, use in Mediterranean Theater, 122, 898–899
- Greenland, 1325, 1330
- Guadalcanal, proposed military operations in, 129
- Guam, proposed military operations against, 428–429, 1126, 1137
- Habbakuks. See Airfields, floating.
- Harbors, artificial, construction of, 911, 1008–1009, 1205, 1243–1245
- Harvard, 944
- Hawaii, lines of communication, security of, 145, 147, 290–291
- Hong Kong, proposed military operations against, 290, 292, 432–433, 435, 982, 985–986, 988
- Hospital ships, 1202, 1318–1319
- Hungary (see also Balkan countries), 453–455, 461, 518, 524, 705, 910, 1075, 1290
- Hyde Park, Churchill–Roosevelt conversations at, 618n , 830–834, 929, 1336–1340
- Iceland, 502, 1325
- India: Airfields in, 230, 234, 237, 293, 295, 297, 301–302, 349, 350, 369–370, 438–439, 999; air supplies to China, 55–57, 79, 85, 87, 126n , 128–129, 132–133, 142, 187–188, 230, 237, 295; conditions in, 177; floods in, and effect of on Burma campaign, 436, 861–862, 879, 993; proposed military operations from, 188, 293–295, 436–439, 859, 877, 879–882; supplies to, 131; supply routes and pipeline for gasoline to China from, 79, 136, 140–141, 147–148, 230, 295–298, 858–860, 878, 907–909, 938–939, 960, 971–975, 984, 987, 993–994, 999, 1003–1006, 1132, 1157; U.S.–U.K. intelligence organizations in, coordination of, 424–426, 971, 993, 1002–1003, 1203–1204, 1237–1238, 1240–1241
- Indian Ocean area: Landing craft allocations to, 234; proposed operations in, 28, 78
- International Labor Organization, 724, 1340
- Iran, U.S. policy toward, 672–674, 880
- Iraq, 122, 342, 696, 1116
- Ireland: Allied bases in, 616–624, 831, 880; Axis espionage in, 622–623; constitutional status of, 926; neutrality of, 618, 621–623; U.S. assistance to, 619–620
- Irish Republican Army, 621–622
- Italy (see also
Axis powers in Europe):
- Airfields in, 499, 852–853, 855, 866, 895, 897
- Allied Military Government and Control Commission for, 923–924
- Badoglio government:
- Negotiations with, 521, 523; French interest in participation in, 532–534; Soviet Union, notification of, 571, 587, 1086–1087
- Political and military situation of, affecting peace negotiations, 517–519, 527, 531–532, 536–537, 548, 556, 566–567, 569, 573, 582–585, 1070–1074, 1081–1082, 1188, 1193–1196
- Chile, diplomatic relations with, 590n
- Collapse of, speculation regarding, 83, 85, 115–116
- Committee of Action of Free Italy, 563–564, 568
- Communists in, 555, 564, 582, 1081
- Elimination of from war, possibility of, 13, 25–26, 30, 41, 101–102, 112, 225, 230, 274–275, 285
- Fleet, proposed disposition of, 38, 579, 944–945, 1260
- Food shipments to, 83n
- Frontiers with and territorial problems concerning: Austria, 789–791, 1112–1113; Dodecanese Islands, 794–795; Eritrea, Italian Somaliland, and Libya, 796–801; Pantelleria, 801–802; Yugoslavia, 593, 791–794
- German defense of, 579, 944–945, 1260
- Peace feelers, and Allied action on, 598–601; Barcelona, 563–565, 568; Lisbon, 534–536, 554–555, 598, 876, 881, 1056–1057, 1060–1062, 1190–1191; Madrid, 588–594, 599, 1055, 1062–1063; Switzerland, 1087–1088; Tangier, 566–568, 574–576, 578–579, 585–587, 595–596, 599, 1076–1078
- Peninsula, Allied invasion of, 32, 253–254, 393, 447–448, 450–451, 474, 476–477, 584, 955–958, 1025, 1062, 1064–1068, 1186–1188, 1205–1206, 1257–1263, 1277–1281, 1283–1284, 1288–1289, 1291–1292
- Political reconstruction of, proposals for, 803–829
- Rome: Bombing of, 528–530, 549–551, 562–563, 595, 863–864, 1054–1056, 1277; open city, declaration of as, 499, 524n , 528–531, 549–554, 557–559, 561–563, 565, 570, 572, 594–598, 831, 863–864, 914, 1054–1055, 1057–1059, 1069–1070, 1175–1176, 1190
- Situation of, estimates, 454–456, 461, 1230–1233
- Surrender of, 1257–1259, 1261; announcement and press release on, 1267–1269, 1273–1275; messages to Badoglio government on, 1284–1286; Soviet Union, correspondence with regarding Eisenhower signing instrument on behalf of, 1175, 1185, 1188, 1190, 1193, 1199–1200, 1262–1263, 1266–1267, 1307n
- Surrender terms:
- “Further” or “additional” terms: Discussion of, 565–566, 580–581, 913, 1083–1086, 1088–1090; draft text of, 602–609
- “Long” or “comprehensive” terms: Consultation with Soviet Union concerning, 951n , 1086n , 1185, 1190, 1193; discussion of, 522, 525–527, 537–538, 560–561, 580–582, 587n , 831, 880, 912–913, 919, 930, 950–952, 1083–1086, 1089–1090; draft text of, 538–547; final text of, transmitted to Eisenhower, 1161–1169; signature of, 1162n , 1264n ; transmittal of, to Italian authorities, 951n , 1090–1091, 1180–1181, 1183–1184, 1188–1189, 1192
- “Short” or “military” terms: Amendments to draft text of, 522, 565–566, 1062; consultation with Soviet Union concerning, 1190, 1193, 1199–1200, 1262, 1267; discussion of, 522, 527, 560, 580–582, 913, 919, 950–952, 1088; draft text of, 519–520; “Quebec Memorandum” concerning, 876, 1060–1061, 1071; signature of, 1200, 1264, 1281; transmittal of, to Italian authorities, 1060, 1071
- Japan (see also
Japan, Allied efforts against):
- Aircraft losses, 859
- Air offensive against, proposals for, 87, 291, 908, 982, 988, 995–1000
- Armed forces, estimates of, 418–420, 422
- Deception measures against, 415–416, 884
- Defeat of, overall strategic concept, 28–29, 53–54, 78, 93–94, 125–126, 230, 289–293, 356, 368–369, 401, 403, 413, 427, 432–434, 856–862, 876–877, 906–909, 945, 975–988, 994
- Kuriles, fortification of, 146
- Lines of communication in Pacific, 147–148, 155, 302–304, 861, 988
- Merchant marine losses, 135
- Morale in, 423
- Netherlands, interest of in participation in war against, 1238–1239
- Policy toward China, 89
- Potentialities for offensive action, 147
- Prisoners of war, treatment of, 938
- Puppet troops, 420–421
- Shipping, 418–419, 423
- Situation in 1943–1944, estimates of 417–421, 426–427
- Soviet Union: Bases in, proposals for use of against, 996; relations with, 417
- Japan, Allied efforts against. See Burma; China; Far Eastern Theater; India; Indian Ocean area; Japan: Defeat of; Pacific Theater; and Southwest Pacific.
- Jews. See Germany: Jews, treatment of; Palestine; and Refugees, emergency measures for.
- Kiska. See Aleutian Islands.
- Korea, 423n , 628–629
- Kuriles: Japanese defense of, 419, 423; proposed military operations in, 430, 857, 859, 986
- Landing craft, production and availability of, 101, 113, 115, 231, 234, 239–241, 279, 357, 370, 882, 891
- Landing craft allocation: General, 1146–1148, 1201–1202; European Theater, 453, 1219; Indian Ocean area, 234; Pacific Theater, 877–878; U.K., 989, 991
- League of Nations, 170, 687, 690, 703, 715–716, 731, 745, 758, 1210
- Liberated areas and occupied territory: Queen Wilhelmina, draft declaration on, 1052–1053; rehabilitation of, 1049–1051; statement on, proposed, 1046–1047
- Libya: Postwar disposition of, 796–798; refugee settlement in, 338–342, 681, 797–798
- Log of Roosevelt’s trip to Quebec Conference, 835–848
- Long-range penetration groups, use of, 860–861, 879, 888, 893, 900, 909, 961, 993, 1006, 1028–1029, 1137, 1140, 1161, 1235–1236
- Luetzow, 456, 459
- Magnesium, supplies of, 96, 312–313
- Malacca, Straits of, proposed military operations in, 290–291, 979, 982
- Malayan Peninsula, proposed military operations in, 28, 70, 118, 987–988, 994
- Malta, 801–802, 861, 926
- Manchuria. See under China.
- Mandated Islands, proposed military operations in, 857, 862, 877, 984
- Marianas, proposed military operations in, 146, 428–429, 876, 987, 1126, 1137
- Marshall Islands, proposed military operations in, 148, 229, 237, 303–304, 350, 356, 369, 428, 431, 901, 978, 987, 1126, 1137, 1144n
- Mediterranean Theater: Allied air forces in, 271–272; Allied fleet in, 854; armed forces, deployment of, 481–482, 499–501, 1138–1139, 1142; German armed forces in, 458; lines of communication, security of, 898–899, 1025–1026, 1039; military operations in, 13, 45–47, 53–54, 78, 80–84, 101–102, 113–116, 121–122, 193–195, 198, 224, 228, 236, 257–261, 264–271, 274, 348, 355, 368, 401–403, 470–471, 475, 941, 1063; strategic situation in after collapse of Italy, 1292; U.K. forces in, 1139–1140
- Military-political commission, proposals for the establishment of, 1087, 1173–1174, 1305–1309
- Monticello, 499
- Monroe Doctrine, 688
- Netherlands: Availability of and supplies for forces in, 1030, 1032, 1036–1037; frontier with Germany, 760–761; Japan, interest of in participation in war against, 1204–1205, 1221, 1238–1239
- Netherlands East Indies, proposed military operations in, 303–304, 350, 857
- New Guinea, proposed military operations in, 31, 129, 136–137, 148, 229, 237, 303–304, 349, 356, 369, 428–429, 857, 877–878, 978, 984, 987, 1127, 1137, 1144n
- North Africa, invasion of, progress of, 11–12, 15, 18, 29, 44, 81
- North America, scale of possible enemy attack on, 1092–1095, 1221
- Northwest Europe, recommended course of action in, in event of German collapse prior to Overlord , 940, 942, 1010–1018, 1125
- Norway, proposed military operations in, 160, 193, 364, 368, 459, 461, 481, 502, 943, 1030, 1032, 1030–1037
- Office of Strategic Services, 424–426, 893–894, 905, 945, 971, 993, 1002, 1068–1069, 1087, 1130, 1237–1238, 1241, 1292
- Office of War Information, 424–425, 971, 1002, 1241
- Overlord . See Continental Western Europe, invasion of under Germany, Allied efforts against.
- Pacific Theater: Airfields in, 859; aircraft allocations to, 859, 997–999; landing craft allocations to, 877–878; proposed military operations in, 16, 31, 44, 78, 93–94, 145–148, 157–158, 184–185, 226–227, 229–230, 233–234, 236–237, 288–304, 349–350, 356, 369, 427–434, 876–878; shipping shortages in, 93
- Pacific War Council, meeting, 134–141, 289n , 299n , 333
- Palestine: Issuance of an Anglo-American statement on, 674–679, 919, 930, 932, 1116; Jewish immigration into, 341–342
- Pantelleria, 789, 801–802
- Paris, declaration of as an open city, 1940, 597
- Paris Peace Conference, 1919, 749, 790, 816, 1114n , 1197; publication of minutes of Council of Four at, 1334–1335, 1338
- Patriot forces in Europe, Allied policy on, 480–481
- Petroleum, 235, 358, 362, 371, 1156–1157
- Philippines: Proposed military operations in, 146, 290, 857, 877, 987–988; U.S. protection of and U.S. bases in, 844n
- Pipeline for gasoline from India to China, 858–860, 909, 938, 960, 973–975, 1003, 1132, 1157
- Ploeşti, bombing of, 26, 29, 38–40, 48, 106–108, 115, 158–159, 195–196, 230, 236, 259, 266, 350–351, 355–356, 362, 368, 584, 705, 853, 872–873, 895, 1206, 1224–1225, 1230, 1245–1246, 1256, 1336
- Pointblank . See Bomber offensive against Germany under Germany, Allied efforts against.
- Poland: Frontier with Germany, 731–748; frontier with the Soviet Union, 703, 1113–1116; German crimes in, 503–506, 930–931, 1120; question of Australian representation of Polish interests in the Soviet Union, 324–325; situation in, 462; Soviet Union, evacuation of certain categories of Polish citizens from, 203n , 325; troops, use of in the Mediterranean Theater, 122, 193, 203, 898, 1030–1031, 1035–1036, 1213
- Portugal (see also Azores Islands), neutrality of, 463
- Postwar world organization (see also Four-Power security declaration): Proposals for and discussions regarding, 141, 167–172, 681–730, 831, 928, 1210, 1337; regionalism in, 167–169, 688, 691n , 694, 699–700, 703, 710–711; United Nations protocol for the war and transition period, draft, 693–696, 706–708
- Propaganda: Coordination of, 963, 1097–1098, 1202–1203, 1226, 1313–1317, 1338; subversive activity and, 100, 125, 163–165, 180
- Quadrant . See Quebec Conference, First.
- Quebec Agreement on atomic energy, 1117–1119
- Quebec Conference, First, Aug. 14–24,
1943, 849–1172
- Agenda, 400–405, 412–413, 1039
- Airfields, floating, construction of, 890–891, 900, 989–992, 1131
- Akyab, proposed military operations against, 879, 901–902, 906, 946–947, 978
- Aleutian Islands, military operations in, 878, 984, 987, 999, 1028
- Andaman Islands, proposed military operations in, 937–938
- Anti-submarine warfare, 853–855, 871, 884–885, 1025, 1039, 1122–1123
- Arrangements for, 391–414
- Atomic energy research, U.S.–U.K. cooperation in, 894, 1096–1097; agreement on, drafts and text, 638, 647–648, 1117–1119
- Austria: Austrian question, 1111–1112; frontier with Italy, 1112–1113
- Axis powers in Europe, strategic concept for defeat of, 864–868, 870–871, 875, 1023–1024
- Azores Islands, 880, 886–887, 899, 912, 942, 1039, 1091–1092
- Balkan countries: Guerrillas in, supplies to and use of, 1025, 1030–1032, 1034–1035, 1145; proposed military operations in, 898–899, 1025, 1039
- Baltic States, 1114
- Belgium, arms for troops in, 1030, 1032
- Berlin, entry of troops into, 942
- Bismarck Archipelago, proposed military operations in, 1127, 1144n
- Bomber offensive against Germany, 852–855, 871–874, 887, 895, 1018–1024, 1038, 1123
- Burma: Air forces in, 883; proposed military operations in, 904, 906–909, 938–939, 945–946, 978, 985, 987–988, 993–994, 1127, 1136–1137, 1160–1161
- Canada: Atomic energy matters, participation in, 1118; French Committee of National Liberation, relations with, 1108–1109, 1171–1172; Joint War Aid Committee, U.S.–Canada, creation of, 929, 1119; munitions, Chinese efforts to purchase from, 936; Quebec Conference, question of participation in, 396–400
- Caroline Islands, proposed military operations in, 978, 987, 1126, 1144n
- Chiang Kai-shek, report to on Quebec Conference, 1160–1161
- China: Airfields in, 907, 982, 996–997, 999; American air forces in, 972, 994, 1145–1146; Burma campaign, participation in, 883, 961; estimate of situation in, 878; international position of, 928; military assistance to, 972–973; munitions, efforts to purchase from Canada, 936; report to on Quebec Conference, 1160–1161; representation at Allied conferences, interest in, 914; supply routes and pipeline for gasoline to, 858–860, 878, 907–909, 938–939, 960, 971–975, 984, 987, 993–994, 999, 1003–1006, 1132, 1157
- Churchill, arrival for, 407–410
- Civil administration of liberated or occupied territory, 919, 930–932
- Civil aviation policy, postwar, 880
- Combined Chiefs of Staff. See main entry Combined Chiefs of Staff.
- Commercial policy, 925–926
- Communism in postwar Europe, 1077–1078, 1081, 1112
- Communiqué, 1157–1159
- Continental Western Europe, invasion of: Allocation of landing craft for, 939, 1027–1028, 1041–1043, 1141–1142; command arrangements for, 869, 905, 944; German defenses in, 942; planning for, 863–870, 895–896, 942–944, 1009, 1024–1026, 1038, 1123; Supreme Allied Commander, selection of, 830, 929
- Convoys: To Soviet Union, 853, 930, 932, 1143; trans-Atlantic, 940, 959–960, 1040, 1047–1048, 1092, 1142–1143
- Corsica, proposed military operations in, 854, 896–897, 1025, 1075
- Crete, 705, 898
- Dependent areas, 914, 919, 926–927
- English, Basic, 880
- European Theater: Air offensive in, 1025; military operations in (see also specific areas), 850–855
- Final documents, 1117–1172
- Formosa, proposed military operations in, 985–986, 988
- Four-Power security declaration, 913–914, 917, 925
- France (see also Continental Western Europe, supra, and French Committee of National Liberation, infra): Air bases in, 854; proposed military operations in southern part of, 897–898, 945, 957, 1025, 1038, 1067; troops, armament and use of, 898, 939–940, 1029–1034, 1049
- French Committee of National Liberation, recognition of, 916–917, 919–920, 922, 928, 930, 934, 949–950, 953, 1101–1111, 1158, 1169–1172
- Germany (see also
Bomber offensive
Continental Western Europe, supra):
- Aircraft strength and production in, 852, 872, 1018–1019
- Berlin, entry of troops into, 942
- Collapse of prior to Overlord , recommended course of action in event of, 940, 942, 1010–1018, 1125
- Crimes of in Poland, declaration on, 930–931, 1120
- Free Germany Committee, 911, 1115
- Ground forces, strength of, 850–852
- Italy, German troops in, 909–910, 944–945, 1074
- Jews, treatment of, 1053
- Morale in, 871, 1076
- Postwar partition vs. unity, discussions on, 927–928, 1197
- Soviet Union, policy toward, 1075
- Wolfram supplies from the Iberian Peninsula, 1100–1101
- Gibraltar, Straits of, security of lines of communication in, 855, 958, 1124
- Gilbert Islands, proposed military operations in, 857, 901, 987, 1126, 1137, 1144n
- Greece: EAM, 1044; policy toward, 930, 932–934; political and military situation in, 914–915, 1044–1046; troops of, use in Mediterranean Theater, 898–899
- Guam, proposed military operations in, 1126, 1137
- Harbors, artificial, construction of, 911, 1008–1009
- Hong Kong, proposed military operations against, 982, 985–986, 988
- India: Airfields in, 999; floods in, and effect of on Burma campaign, 861–862, 879, 993; proposed military operations from, 859, 877, 879–882; supply routes and pipeline for gasoline to China from, 858–860, 878, 907–909, 938–939, 960, 971–975, 984, 987, 993–994, 999, 1003–1006, 1132, 1157; U.S.–U.K. intelligence organizations in, coordination of, 971, 993, 1002–1003
- Iran, U.S. policy toward, 880
- Ireland, Allied bases in, 880
- Italy:
- Airfields in, 852–853, 855, 866, 895, 897
- Allied Military Government and Control Commission for, 923–924
- Badoglio government, political and military situation of, affecting peace negotiations, 1070–1074, 1081–1082
- Fleet, proposed disposition of, 944–945
- German defense of, 944–945
- Peace feelers, and Allied action on: Lisbon, 876, 881, 1056–1057, 1060–1062; Madrid, 1055, 1062–1063; Switzerland, 1087–1088; Tangier, 1076–1078
- Peninsula, Allied invasion of, 955–958, 1025, 1062, 1064–1068
- Rome: Bombing of, 863–864, 1054–1056: open city, declaration of as, 863–864, 914, 1054–1055, 1057–1059, 1069–1070
- Surrender terms:
- “Further” or “additional terms, 913, 1083–1086, 1088–1090
- “Long” or “comprehensive” terms: Consultation with Soviet Union concerning, 951n , 1086n ; discussion of, 831, 880, 912–913, 919, 930, 950–952, 1083–1086, 1089–1090; final text of, transmitted to Eisenhower, 1161–1169; transmittal of, to Italian authorities, 951n , 1090–1091
- “Short” or “military” terms: Amendment to draft text of, 1062; discussion of, 913, 919, 950–952, 1088; “Quebec Memorandum” concerning, 876, 1060–1061, 1071; transmittal of, to Italian authorities, 1060, 1071
- Japan:
- Aircraft losses, 859
- Air offensive against, proposals for, 908, 982, 988, 995–1000
- Deception measures against, 884
- Defeat of, overall strategic concept, 856–862, 876–877, 906–909, 945, 975–988, 994
- Lines of communication in Pacific, 861, 988
- Prisoners of war, treatment of, 938
- Soviet bases, proposals for use of against, 996
- Kuriles, proposed military operations in, 857, 859, 986
- Landing craft, manning and production of, 882, 891
- Landing craft allocation: General, 1146–1148; Pacific Theater, 877–878; U.K., 989, 991
- Liberated areas and occupied territory: Queen Wilhelmina, draft declaration on, 1052–1053; rehabilitation of, 1049–1051; statement on, proposed, 1046–1047
- Log of Roosevelt’s trip to, 835–848
- Long-range penetration groups, use of, 860–861, 879, 888, 893, 900, 909, 961, 993, 1006, 1028–1029, 1137, 1140, 1161
- Malacca, Straits of, proposed military operations in, 979, 982
- Malayan Peninsula, proposed military operations in, 987–988, 994
- Mandated Islands, proposed military operations in, 857, 862, 877, 984
- Marianas, proposed military operations in, 876, 987, 1126, 1137
- Marshall Islands, proposed military operations in, 901, 978, 987, 1126, 1137, 1144n
- Mediterranean Theater: Allied fleet in, 854; armed forces, deployment of, 1138–1139, 1142; lines of communication, security of, 898–899, 1025–1026, 1039; military operations in, 941, 1063; U.K. forces in, 1139–1140
- Military-political commission, proposal for establishment of, 1087
- Netherlands, availability of and supplies for forces in, 1030, 1032, 1036–1037
- Netherlands East Indies, proposed military operations in, 857
- New Guinea, proposed military operations in, 857, 877–878, 978, 984, 987, 1127, 1137, 1144n
- Northwest Europe, (recommended course of action in, in event of German collapse prior to Overlord , 940, 942, 1010–1018, 1125
- Norway, proposed military operations in, 943, 1030, 1032, 1036–1037
- Pacific Theater: Airfields in, 859; aircraft allocations to, 859, 997–999; landing craft allocations to, 877–878; military operations in, 876–878
- Palestine, issuance of an Anglo-American statement on, 919, 930, 932, 1116
- Petroleum, 1156–1157
- Philippines: Proposed military operations in, 857, 877, 987–988; U.S protection of and U.S. bases in, 844n
- Pipeline for gasoline from India to China, 858–860, 909, 938, 960, 973–975, 1003, 1132, 1157
- Ploeşti, bombing of, 853, 872–873, 895
- Poland: Frontier with the Soviet Union, 1113–1116; German crimes in, 930–931, 1120; troops, use of in the Mediterranean Theater, 898, 1030–1031, 1035–1036
- Portugal. See Azores Islands, supra.
- Preparatory papers, 415–829
- Propaganda, coordination of, 963, 1097–1098
- Quebec Memorandum, 876, 1060–1061, 1071
- Queen Elizabeth and Queen Mary, movement of, 939, 1041–1042
- Rabaul, proposed military operations against, 856–857
- Ramree, proposed military operations against, 906, 946, 978
- Refugees, U.K. views on, 1043
- Rumanian oil fields. See Ploeşti, supra.
- Sakhalin, 987
- Sardinia: Fifth-column activity in, 854, 893–894, 905, 945, 1068–1069, 1131; proposed military operations in, 854, 896–897, 1025, 1075, 1124, 1136, 1160
- Shipping, allocation of in Atlantic area, 940, 1040, 1047–1048
- Sicily, military operations in, 1059
- Singapore, proposed military operations against, 900, 906, 946, 979, 981, 985, 994, 1128
- Solomon Islands, proposed military operations in, 984, 987
- South East Asia Command: Boundaries of, 947, 969, 1101, 1129; Deputy Supreme Allied Commander, 882–884, 970, 993, 1001–1002, 1128–1129; discussions on, 882, 899–900, 937, 947–948, 968–971, 992, 1000–1003; relations of with Chiang Kai-shek, 903; relations of with Indian Command, 882, 937–938, 968–970; Supreme Allied Commander, appointment of, 962–963
- Southwest Pacific: Military forces for, 981; military operations in, 978
- Soviet Union: Bases in, proposals to use against Japan, 996; convoys to, 853, 930, 932, 1143; Eastern Front, situation on, 850–851, 910–911, 949; Free Germany Committee, 911, 1115; Pacific war, entry of into, 876, 977, 983, 986; Poland, frontier with, 1113–1116; Quebec Conference, nonparticipation in, 913–914; tripartite meeting with, proposals for, 889, 917
- Spain: German threat to, 851, 855; policy toward, 910, 948–949, 1099–1101, 1130–1131
- Stalin, report to on Quebec Conference, 964, 1159–1160
- Sumatra, proposed military operations against, 861, 879, 900–902, 904, 906–907, 987–988, 1127
- Tripartite meeting, proposals for, 889, 917
- Turkey: Military assistance to, 910, 949, 900, 1030, 1032, 1048, 1131, 1138; possible entry of into the war, 1122, 1131
- Yugoslavia: Liberated prisoners of war, arming of, 1034; military and political situation in, 915; troops, use of, 898–899
- Quebec Memorandum, 876, 1060–1061, 1071
- Queen Elizabeth, 164–165, 179, 939, 1041–1042
- Queen Mary, 164–165, 179, 939, 1041–1042
- Rabaul, proposed military operations against, 856–857
- Ramree, proposed military operations against, 431, 906, 946, 978
- Ranger, 854
- Rankin . See Collapse of prior to Overlord , recommended course of action in event of, under Germany, Allied efforts against.
- Ravenous , 77
- Refugees, emergency measures for, 96, 173n , 197, 336–346, 681, 686, 698, 797–798, 1043
- Regionalism in world organization, 167–169, 688, 691n , 694, 699–700, 703, 710–711
- Rhineland. See under Germany.
- Richelieu, 158
- Rome. See under Italy.
- Ruhr. See under Germany.
- Rumania (see also Balkan countries and Ploeşti, bombing of), 453–455, 461, 518, 705, 910, 1075, 1114, 1290
- Saar, 685, 754–755
- Sakhalin, 417, 423n , 629, 987
- Sardinia: Fifth-column activity in, 854, 893–894, 905, 945, 1068–1069, 1131, 1292; proposed military operations in, 13, 26, 30n , 41–42, 46, 103, 193–195, 225, 253, 255–258, 265–267, 269, 474, 476–477, 483, 502, 854, 896–897, 1025, 1075, 1124, 1136, 1160, 1289
- Saturnia, 1218
- Scharnhorst, 42, 456, 459
- Secrecy definitions, U.S.–U.K., 1203
- Security and Armaments Commission, 694–695, 697, 707–708
- Shipping: Availability and requirements, 176–177, 180–181, 227, 231, 502–503, 918, 1151–1156; Axis destruction of, 459–461; transfer of to U.K., 319
- Shipping, allocation of: Atlantic area, 940, 1040, 1047–1048, 1298; Far East, 156; global, 240n ; Mediterranean, 83, 225, 235, 313–314, 317–319, 357–358, 370–371, 1298; U.K., 11n , 187, 1296, 1299
- Sicily, invasion of: Aircraft allocation for, 118–119, 154–155; military government for, 187, 283–284; military operations in, 11–15, 36–37, 39, 43, 95–96, 107, 224, 228, 236, 240n , 393, 398, 1059; psychological warfare, 326–327, 329n
- Singapore, proposed military operations against, 433, 900, 906, 946, 979, 981, 985, 994, 1128
- Solomon Islands, proposed military operations in, 31, 148, 229, 237, 303–304, 349, 356, 369, 984, 987
- Somaliland, Italian, 798–801
- Sonic warfare, 164
- South East Asia Command: Boundaries of, 947, 969, 1001, 1129; Deputy Supreme Allied Commander, function of, 882–884, 970, 993, 1001–1002, 1128–1129; discussions on, 401, 405, 882, 899–900, 937, 947–948, 968–971, 992, 1000–1003; relations of with Chiang Kai-shek, 903; relations of with Indian Command, 882, 937–938, 968–970; Supreme Allied Commander, appointment of, 962–963
- Southwest Pacific: Japanese forces in, 420, 424; military forces for, 981; military operations in, 978
- Soviet Union:
- Air force bombing of Ploeşti, proposals for, 1206, 1224–1225, 1230, 1245–1246, 1256, 1336
- Bases in, proposals for Allied use of, 40–41, 996
- Consultation with in case of Japanese attack on, 207
- Convoys to, 26, 625, 627, 853, 930, 932, 1143
- Eastern Front, situation on, 457–458, 850–851, 910–911, 949, 1233–1234
- Far East, aims of in, 627–629
- Free Germany Committee, 601, 911, 1115
- Italian surrender terms and arrangements, consultation with concerning, 951n , 1086n , 1175, 1185, 1188, 1190, 1193, 1199–1200, 1262–1263, 1266–1267, 1307n
- Military and political situation in, 26–27, 49–50, 53, 112–113, 174, 224, 274, 624–627
- Military assistance to, 226, 229, 233, 237
- Pacific war, entry of into, 28–29, 32, 147, 417, 625, 629, 703, 876, 977, 983, 986
- Poland: Frontier with, 1113–1116; relations with, 324–325, 703
- Quebec Conference, nonparticipation in, 913–914
- Third International, 174
- Third Soviet Supply Protocol, 1943, 183
- Tripartite meeting with, proposals for, 391, 889, 917, 1095–1096, 1174–1175, 1303–1310, 1336–1337
- Weapons, exchange of information with U.K. on, 1255
- Spain: German threat to, 403, 405, 464–465, 851, 855; neutrality of, 454, 462–463; policy toward, 480, 910, 948–949, 1099–1101, 1130–1131
- Special Operations Executive, 893–894, 945, 971, 1068
- Strategic situation in view of Italian surrender, review of, 1222–1224, 1229, 1287–1292
- Sumatra, proposed military operations against, 28, 55, 70, 118, 156, 861, 879, 900–902, 904, 906–907, 987–988, 1127
- Sweden, neutrality of, 462
- Switzerland, neutrality of, 462
- Tanks, production of, 197, 314–316
- Tarvis Conference, Aug. 6, 1943, 582n
- Third International, 174
- Tibet. See under China.
- Tirpitz, 42, 456, 459
- Treaties, agreements, conventions, etc.:
- Anglo-Portuguese Agreement, Aug. 17, 1943, 310n , 614n , 886n , 899n , 1039n
- Anglo-Soviet Agreement, Sept. 29, 1942, 1255
- Anglo-Soviet Treaty of Alliance, Jan. 29, 1942, 673, 703n , 1115, 1255
- Atlantic Charter, 1941, 327, 523, 673, 693, 703–704, 718, 720, 733, 802, 812, 816, 1253
- Dutch-Hanoverian Treaty, 1824, 760
- Franco-German Armistice, 1940, 755
- Geneva Convention, 1922, 737
- German - Italian Agreement and Treaty, 1939, 789, 1113n
- German-Netherlands Treaty, 1896, 760
- Hague Conventions, 1899 and 1907, 558
- Italy, Armistice with, Sept. 3, 1943, 519–520, 522, 565–566, 1062, 1200, 1264, 1281
- Italy, Surrender of, Sept. 29, 1943, 1161–1169, 1264n
- Lausanne, Treaty of, 1923, 794
- London, Treaty of, 1373, 611n , 886n , 1091
- Montreux Convention, 1936, 1131
- Munich Agreement, 1938, 748, 751
- Polish-Soviet Treaty, 1941, 1115
- Quebec Agreement, Aug. 19, 1943, 1117–1119
- Saint-Germain, Treaty of, 1919, 748
- Third Soviet Supply Protocol, Oct. 19, 1943, 183n
- United Nations, Declaration by, 1942, 670–671, 682, 692–693, 700, 707, 717–718, 1253
- U.S.–U.K. Lend-Lease Agreement, 1942, 925, 1333
- Versailles, Treaty of, 1919, 732, 737, 757–758
- Windsor, Treaty of, 1386, 611n , 886n
- Trident . See Washington Conference, Third.
- Tripartite meeting, proposals for, 889, 917, 1303–1310, 1336–1337
- Trusteeship (see also Dependent areas), 686, 717, 720–728, 796–800
- Turkey: Air bases in, 26, 40, 122, 259; military assistance to, 95, 104, 144–145, 196–197, 237, 358, 363, 371, 480, 910, 949, 960, 1030, 1032, 1048, 1131, 1138, 1292; possible cession of Dodecanese to, 795; possible entry of into the war, 13, 29–30, 46, 268, 355, 463, 704–705, 1122, 1131, 1290; proposed military operations in, 224–225, 230
- Tyrol, South, 789–791, 1112–1113
- Unconditional surrender, policy of (see also Italy: Surrender terms), 326–331
- Unicorn, 1231, 1297
- United Kingdom. See this index, passim.
- United Nations (see also Postwar world organization), provisional council, 693–697
- United Nations, Declaration by, 1942, 670–671, 682, 692–693, 700, 707, 717–718, 1253
- United Nations Conference on Food and Agriculture, 1943, 1331n
- United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, 702, 916
- Vatican, 524–525, 528, 548, 571–572, 576–578, 594–595, 804, 806, 813, 819–820, 1057–1058, 1078–1081, 1258
- Venezia Giulia, 791–794, 928
- Victorious, 1143
- Vulcania, 1218
- Washington Conference, First, 1941–1942, 315n , 836n
- Washington Conference, Second, 1942, 25n , 836n
- Washington Conference, Third, May 12–25,
1943, 24–387
- Agenda, 77–79, 94–95, 100, 229–231
- Albania: Food shipments to, 83 n; proposed military operations in, 14, 41
- Aleutian Islands, military situation and operations in, 31, 134–135, 146, 229, 237, 356, 369
- Andaman Islands, proposed military operations in, 118
- Anti-submarine warfare, 25, 95, 120, 161–163, 178–179, 186, 189, 192, 228, 230, 237, 305, 353–354, 360–361, 366, 372–373
- Arrangements for, 11–23
- Atomic energy research, U.S.–U.K. cooperation in, 188–189, 221
- Australia: Aircraft reinforcements to, 138, 289; lines of communication to, protection of, 146–147, 229; representation of Polish interests in the Soviet Union, proposal for, 324–325
- Axis powers in Europe, strategic concept for defeat of, 100–102, 112–116, 118, 154–155, 348, 354–356, 367–368
- Azores Islands, discussions concerning, 33, 47–48, 85–86, 91–92, 98–100, 120, 152–153, 182–183, 186, 190–191, 235, 304–312, 347, 353–354, 360–361, 366, 371–373
- Balkan countries, possible military operations in, 26, 30n , 32–33, 41, 194
- Bismarck Archipelago, proposed military operations in, 148, 229, 237, 303–304, 349, 356, 369
- Bomber offensive against Germany, plans for, 25, 27, 37–38, 43, 80–82, 84, 94, 101–102, 104–106, 113, 153–154, 181–182, 192–193, 206, 224, 228, 230, 232, 236, 238–253, 275, 347–348, 354, 367
- Brazil, 120–121, 191, 308–309
- Burma: Air bases in and air operations from, 71–72, 142; aircraft allocations for, 234, 357, 370; Chinese interests in, and participation in military operations in, 89–91, 196; proposed military operations in, 15–16, 18, 27–28, 31–32, 54–76, 79–80, 87, 113–114, 118–120, 126–132, 137–139, 142, 155–157, 165–166, 172–173, 196, 226–227, 229, 236–237, 240n , 290–291, 293–295, 298, 303–304, 349, 356, 369; shipping shortage in, 13, 15
- Canada: Legation in U.S., question of Embassy rank for, 141, 335n ; U.S., relations with, 334–335
- Caroline Islands, proposed military operations in, 148, 229, 237, 303–304, 350, 356, 369
- China: Airfields in, 290; American air forces in, 135–136, 142; consultation with on Far East questions, 288–289; estimate of situation in, 87–91; Japanese forces in, 139–140; military assistance to, 18, 27–28, 31–32, 44, 56, 62–64, 70–77, 229, 233, 236–237, 288, 295–298, 302; military operations in, 70–77, 155–157, 196, 349, 356, 369; reports to on Washington Conference, 201, 204, 208, 377–379, 385–386; supply routes to, 79, 136, 140–141, 147–148, 230, 295–298; Tibet, relations with, 138, 298–300
- Code names, selection of, 144, 155, 206
- Combined Chiefs of Staff. See main entry Combined Chiefs of Staff.
- Combined planning, proposals for improvement of, 201–202
- Communiqué, drafts of, 373–377
- Continental Western Europe, invasion of: Directive regarding, 284–286; forces for, 278–281, 357, 370; French participation in, 155, 191–192, 285, 363; planning for, 27, 43–45, 53, 78, 80–84, 101–102, 112–116, 122–123, 191–193, 222–224, 228, 236, 238–239, 261–262, 271, 275, 277, 286–287, 348, 354–355, 361, 364, 367–368
- Convoys to Soviet Union, 26
- Corsica, proposed military operations in, 13, 42, 46, 103, 225, 253, 258, 265–269
- Dodecanese Islands, proposed military operations in, 13, 26, 259–260, 266–268
- Europe, Council of, 167–168
- European Theater, proposed military operations in, 186, 223–226, 228, 238–287
- Far Eastern Theater, proposed military operations in, 66–76, 145–148, 298, 302–304
- Final documents, 364–373, 377
- France: Communist Party in, 323; German forces in, 238, 263; liberation movement in, 320–324; post-liberation administration, of, 321–323; proposed military operations in southern part of, 269; troops, armament and use of, 102–104, 155, 158, 190, 229–230, 237, 350, 358, 363
- French Committee of National Liberation, 192n , 320, 323
- Germany: Aircraft strength and production in, 105, 241, 243–245, 250–251, 276; France, forces in, 238, 263; ground forces, strength of, 275–276; Möhne and Eder dams, bombing of, 96, 108; naval forces, 42–43, 276; proposed military operations against, 84, 230, 273, 286–287; submarine losses, 162–163, 192
- Gibraltar, Straits of, 47, 306
- Global strategy, 52–54, 78, 95, 222–237, 351–353, 359–360, 365–366; forces for, 357, 369–370
- Greece: Food shipments to, 83n ; proposed military operations in, 41, 102, 259; troops, proposed use of, 122
- Guadalcanal, proposed military operations in, 129
- Hawaii, lines of communication, security of, 145, 147, 290–291
- Hong Kong, proposed military operations against, 290–292
- India: Airfields in, 230, 234, 237, 293, 295, 297, 301–302, 349, 356, 369–370; air supplies to China, 55–57, 79, 85, 87, 126n , 128–129, 132–133, 142, 187–188, 230, 237, 295; conditions in, 177; proposed military operations from, 188, 293–295; supply routes to China from, 79, 136, 140–141, 147–148, 230, 295–298
- Indian Ocean area: Landing craft allocations to, 234; proposed military operations in, 28, 78
- Italy: Collapse of, speculation regarding, 83, 85, 115–116; elimination of from war, possibility of, 13, 25–26, 30, 41, 101–102, 112, 225, 230, 274–275, 285; fleet, proposed disposition of, 38; food shipments to, 83n ; proposed military operations on mainland, 32, 253–254
- Japan: Air offensive against, proposals for, 87, 291; Kuriles, fortification of, 146; lines of communication in Pacific, 147–148, 155, 302–304; merchant marine losses, 135; overall strategic plans for defeat of, 28–29, 53–54, 78, 93–94, 125–126, 230, 289–293, 356, 368–369; policy toward China, 89; potentialities for offensive action, 147
- Jews. See Palestine and Refugees, infra.
- Landing craft, production and availability of, 101, 113, 115, 231, 234, 239–241, 279, 357, 370
- Libya, refugee settlement in, 338–342
- Malacca, Straits of, proposed military operations in, 290–291
- Malayan Peninsula, proposed military operations in, 28, 70, 118
- Magnesium, supplies of, 96, 312–313
- Marianas, proposed military operations in, 146
- Marshall Islands, proposed military operations in, 148, 229, 237, 303–304, 350, 356, 369
- Mediterranean Theater: Allied Air forces in, 271–272; proposed military operations in, 13, 45–47, 53–54, 78, 80–84, 101–102, 113–116, 121–122, 193–195, 198, 224, 228, 236, 257–261, 264–271, 274, 348, 355, 368
- Netherlands East Indies, proposed military operations in, 303–304, 350
- New Guinea, proposed military operations in, 31, 129, 136–137, 148, 229, 237, 303–304, 349, 356, 369
- North Africa, invasion of, progress of, 11–12, 15, 18, 29, 44, 81
- Norway, discussions regarding possible German evacuation of, and sending of Allied forces to, 160, 193, 364, 368
- Pacific Theater: Proposed military operations in, 16, 31, 44, 78, 93–94, 145–148, 157–158, 184–185, 226–227, 229–230, 233–234, 236–237, 288–304, 349–350, 356, 369; shipping shortages in, 93
- Palestine, Jewish immigration into, 341–342
- Petroleum, 235, 358, 362, 371
- Philippines, proposed recapture of, 146, 290
- Ploeşti, proposed bombing of, 26, 29, 38–40, 48, 106–108, 115, 158–159, 195–196, 230, 236, 259, 266, 350–351, 355–356, 362, 368
- Poland: Question of Australian representation of Polish interests in the Soviet Union, 324–325; Soviet Union, evacuation of certain categories of Polish citizens from, 203n , 325; troops, use of, 122, 193, 203
- Portugal. See Azores Islands, supra.
- Postwar world organization, proposals for, 141, 167–172
- Press, statement to at end of conference, 377
- Press conferences during, 109–110, 149–150, 211–220
- Propaganda and subversive activity, 100, 125, 163–165, 180
- Queen Elizabeth and Queen Mary, movement of, 164–165, 179
- Refugees, emergency measures for, 96, 173n , 197, 336–346
- Rumanian oil fields. See Ploeşti, supra.
- Sardinia, proposed military operations in, 13, 26, 30n , 41–42, 46, 103, 193–195, 225, 253, 255–258, 265–267, 269
- Shipping: Availability and requirements, 176–177, 180–181, 227, 231; Mediterranean Theater, 225, 235, 313–314, 317–319, 357–358, 370–371; transfer of to U.K., 319
- Shipping, allocation of: Far East, 156; global, 240n ; Mediterranean Theater, 83, 225, 235, 313–314, 317–319, 357–358; U.K., 11n , 187
- Sicily, invasion of: Aircraft allocation for, 118–119, 154–155; military government for, 187, 283–284: proposed military operations in, 11–15, 36–37, 39, 43, 95–96, 107, 224, 228, 236, 240n : psychological warfare, 326–327, 329n
- Solomon Islands, proposed military operations in, 31, 148, 229, 237, 303–304, 349, 356, 369
- Sonic warfare, 164
- Soviet Union: Air bases in, Allied use of, 40–41; consultation with in case of Japanese attack on, 207; military assistance to, 226, 229, 233, 237; military situation in, 26–27, 49–50, 53, 112–113, 174, 224, 274; Pacific war, entry of into, 28–29, 32, 147; Poland, relations with, 324–325; Third Soviet Supply Protocol, 1943, 183
- Stalin, report to on Washington Conference, 379–387
- Sumatra, proposed military operations against, 28, 55, 70, 118, 156
- Tanks, production of, 197, 314–316
- Turkey: Air bases in, 26, 40, 122, 259; military assistance to, 95, 104, 144–145, 196–197, 237, 358, 363, 871; possible entry of into the war, 13, 29–30, 46, 268, 355n ; proposed military operations in, 224–225, 230
- Unconditional surrender, policy of, 326–331
- Yugoslavia: Food shipments to, 83n ; proposed military operations in, 14, 41; troops, use of, 122
- West Point, 499
- Wolfram, 1099–1101, 1130
- Yale, 944
- Yugoslavia: Belgrade, declaration of as an open city, 1941, 597–598; food (Shipments to, 83n ; frontier with Italy, 593, 791–794; liberated prisoners of war, arming of, 1034, 1206, 1246–1250; military and political situation in, 462, 705, 915; proposed military operations in, 14, 41; troops, use of, 122, 898–899