811.20 Defense (M)/5979: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Panama (Wilson)
249. Your 269 of April 7.78 Price offered to Panama is same as that offered other producing countries for the same type of rubber, and negotiations are being rapidly concluded elsewhere on that basis. If the Government would prefer a price f. o. b. Panama, Rubber Reserve is prepared to pay 33 cents f. o. b. Panama ocean ports. The Department hopes that an agreement can be reached promptly at this price.
In connection with the minimum required locally mentioned in your telegram, please keep in mind the attitude expressed in the circular telegram of March 28.79 It is the belief here that, in view of the loss of the Far Eastern supplies and the urgent demands for military purposes, uses of rubber in the producing countries as well as elsewhere must be kept to those absolutely essential and that the producing countries cannot hope to get disproportionate amounts of the finished products.