811.20 Defense (M)/8678
The Vice Consul at San Salvador (Ellis) to the Secretary of State
[Received August 29.]
Sir: In compliance with the Department’s airgram of August 19, 1942 (3:35 p.m.),3 I have the honor to forward herewith a copy of the contract as finally drawn up and signed by Mr. Ernest G. Holt, Special Representative of the Rubber Reserve Company, and the Government of El Salvador.4
Mr. Ernest G. Holt and Mr. Merdith C. Dack arrived at San Salvador on Sunday, August 16, and spent the week negotiating with the representatives of the Salvadoran Government for the conclusion of this contract, and in conference with Mr. W. W. Renwick, of the Salvadoran Committee of Economic Coordination, Mr. A. O. Chalmers, of the Salvador Railway Company Limited, Mr. J. H. Wilson, of the International Railways of Central America, and others, in connection with the purchase and shipment of rubber.
[Page 431]The contract with the Salvadoran Government was finally signed at 11:30 a.m. Saturday, August 22, by Mr. Holt and Mr. Daniel Francisco Montalvo, Chief Clerk of the Ministry of Agriculture. Only one or two changes, of a very minor nature, were made on the original form of contract, and Mr. Holt and Mr. Dack expressed entire satisfaction with the result of their stay in San Salvador and with the cordial cooperation extended to them by Government officials and private businessmen.
The original copies of the contract, in Spanish and English, bearing the signatures of Mr. Holt and Mr. Montalvo, will be forwarded as soon as they are received from the Salvadoran Ministry of Foreign Affairs, together with the copy of the Governmental decree putting the contract into force.
Respectfully yours,