811.20 Defense (M)/6281: Telegram
The Minister in Costa Rica (Scotten) to the Secretary of State
[Received April 22—12:25 a.m.]
200. Department’s 141, April 7, 9 p.m. and previous correspondence regarding purchases of rubber. President Calderón informed me this morning that his Government is ready to draw up an agreement with the United States in accordance with the terms set forth in the Department’s telegram under reference as well as the Department’s No. 116, March 19, 5 p.m.
It would appear to be necessary in the agreement as finally drawn up to enter into certain technical details as regards the quality of rubber of different classifications, the degree of moisture, quantity of foreign matter, et cetera, and fixing a price for the same, and it [Page 231] occurs to the Legation therefore that the agreement should be drawn up by a representative of the Rubber Reserve Company in possession of the requisite technical knowledge.
I have been informed entirely unofficially that the Rubber Reserve Company is considering the appointment as its representative of Mr. Walter E. Klippert, the manager of plantations in Central America of the Goodyear Rubber Company. The appointment of Mr. Klippert would be entirely satisfactory to the Legation and to the Costa Rican Government and I venture to suggest that if he is under consideration at present his appointment be expedited and that he be authorized to negotiate a contract with the Costa Rican Government either for signature by himself as representative of the Rubber Reserve Company or by myself acting for the American Government.
As the Costa Rican Government is anxious to cooperate with the United States and has now agreed in principle to our point of view I venture to urge that this matter be concluded without delay as various reports have reached the Legation through trade channels that some rubber is already being purchased by private interests and is being sent out of the country.