811.34521/13: Telegram
The Ambassador in Colombia (Lane) to the Secretary of State
[Received 8:12 p.m.]
1169. The President informed me this morning that as a result of meeting yesterday of Foreign Relations Committee of Senate the President is now authorized to grant us the facilities for an emergency naval base at Cartagena. Memorandum of Committee which President showed me stated that as a result of resolutions adopted at Havana Conference,33 which had been approved by Colombian Congress, [Page 163] the President is authorized to adopt all necessary measures for defense of the continent.
The President then specifically informed me that he approved the following projects.
- 1.
- Permission to pursue the enemy into Colombian territory and into Colombian territorial waters;
- 2.
- Establishment of an emergency naval base at Cartagena.
- 3.
- Assignment of military and naval observers at various Consulates to be known openly as “military or naval observers”.
- 4.
- Stationing of a seaplane tender in Cartagena as requested in General Andrews’ letter of September 3.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The President, although emphasizing that we could go ahead with all these projects “in the manner most convenient” to us, stated that he would prefer if I should address a note to the Minister of Foreign Affairs requesting the permission outlined in points 1 to 4 inclusive.
Please telegraph whether I may address such a note covering the types of permission desired.
Repeated to Panama for information of General Andrews.
- For correspondence regarding the Habana Conference in July 1940, see Foreign Relations, 1940, vol. v, pp. 180 ff.; for text of resolutions adopted, see Department of State Treaty Series No. 977, or 54 Stat. (pt. 2) 2491.↩