Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers, 1942, The American Republics, Volume V

Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers, 1942, The American Republics, Volume V
- E. R. Perkins
- Almon R. Wright
United States Government Printing Office
- Preface
- General: (Documents 1–296)
- Establishment of the Inter-American Commission for Territorial
Administration of European Colonies and Possessions in the Americas (Documents 1–4)
- Third Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the American Republics, held at
Rio de Janeiro, January 15–28, 1942 (Documents 5–45)
- The Inter-American Conference of Police and Judicial Authorities, meeting
at Buenos Aires, May 27–June 9, 1942 (Documents 46–51)
- The Inter-American Conference on Systems of Economic and Financial
Control, meeting at Washington, June 30–July 10, 1942 (Document 52)
- The Emergency Advisory Committee for Political Defense, meeting at
Montevideo, Uruguay (Documents 53–78)
- Efforts to prevent communication with the Axis countries through
commercial wireless companies (Documents 79–164)
- Efforts to counteract the work of Axis espionage agents (Documents 165–253)
- Good offices of the United States to Uruguay in the resumption of
diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union (Documents 254–260)
- Boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru
- Negotiation of agreements regarding a Caribbean land-sea route through
Haiti and the Dominican Republic (Documents 261–272)
- Anglo-American cooperation on policies and problems connected with the
Proclaimed and Statutory Lists in the Eastern and Western Hemispheres (Documents 273–296)
- Establishment of the Inter-American Commission for Territorial
Administration of European Colonies and Possessions in the Americas (Documents 1–4)
- Argentina: (Documents 297–478)
- Negotiations for the purchase of exportable surpluses of strategic
materials from Argentina (Documents 297–320)
- Efforts to control the distribution of American exports to
Argentina (Documents 321–355)
- Discussions between the United States and Argentina regarding Lend-Lease
arrangements and defense plans (Documents 356–380)
- Discussions between the United States and Argentina concerning shipping
problems (Documents 381–410)
- Measures taken by the United States to eliminate Axis-controlled airlines
in Argentina (Documents 411–435)
- Discussions concerning the severing of commercial and financial relations
by Argentina with the Axis Powers (Documents 436–478)
- Agreement between the United States and Argentina providing for the waiver of passport visa fees, signed April 15, 1942
- Negotiations for the purchase of exportable surpluses of strategic
materials from Argentina (Documents 297–320)
- Bolivia: (Documents 479–588)
- Assistance by the United States to Bolivia in defense measures (Documents 479–492)
- Agreement providing for a Military Mission from the United States to Bolivia, signed August 11, 1942
- Negotiation for the purchase by the United States of strategic materials
from Bolivia (Documents 493–515)
- Negotiation and application of an agreement concerning the Bolivian export
of rubber (Documents 516–540)
- Good offices of the Department of State in negotiations between Bolivia
and the Standard Oil Company (Documents 541–548)
- Program for economic cooperation between the United States and
Bolivia (Documents 549–571)
- Efforts to secure cooperation of the Bolivian Government in the control of
financial transactions involving the Axis (Documents 572–588)
- Agreement between the United States and Bolivia providing for a health and sanitation program, signed July 15 and 16, 1942
- Assistance by the United States to Bolivia in defense measures (Documents 479–492)
- Brazil: (Documents 589–793)
- Cooperation between the United States and Brazil on certain measures for
Hemisphere defense (Documents 589–636)
- Agreement providing for a Naval Mission from the United States to Brazil, signed May 7, 1942
- Arrangements to procure for the United States strategic materials from
Brazil (Documents 637–652)
- Negotiations concerning the production, purchase, and distribution of
Brazilian rubber and rubber products (Documents 653–687)
- Agreement between the United States and Brazil providing for the development of foodstuffs production, signed September 3, 1942
- Efforts of the United States to secure fair participation with Brazil in the Canadian cotton market
- Discussions between the United States and Brazil concerning shipping
problems (Documents 688–727)
- Discussions between the United States and Brazil concerning the
application of the Proclaimed List (Documents 728–732)
- Interest of the United States in the elimination of Axis influence from
Brazilian airlines (Documents 733–767)
- Cooperative effort between the United States and Brazil in imposing
controls over international financial transactions (Documents 768–792)
- Agreements between the United States and Brazil providing for a health and sanitation program, signed March 14 and July 17, 1942
- Lend-Lease Agreement between the United States and Brazil, signed March 3,
1942 (Document 793)
- Cooperation between the United States and Brazil on certain measures for
Hemisphere defense (Documents 589–636)
- Index