862.34/293: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Spain (Hayes)
731. Your 1033, August 6, 3 p.m. If the crew of the German submarine has not been interned you may inform the Spanish Government that you have been instructed by your Government to state that it considers that effective steps to this end should promptly be taken particularly in view of the fact that the extremely long period of 3 months from May 3 for repairing it has expired, and that failure to intern will not only be contrary to Hague Convention XIII of 1907 to which the Minister of Foreign Affairs77 in his note of July 13, 194278 states that his Government adheres, but also would be in violation of the duties incumbent upon a neutral state under generally accepted principles of international law. You may add that this Government reserves its full freedom of action with respect to the submarine.
Ascertain and report whether crew is kept on board the submarine and, if not, where.