740.0011 European War 1939/26263: Telegram
The Ambassador in Spain (Hayes) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 5—9:33 a.m.]
1963. Excellent French source returning from Paris through Toulouse, Tarbes, Pau, Bayonne and Hendaye, reports very few German [Page 316] troops moving in any direction. Several heavy guns at railroad siding at Toulouse. During two days in Paris and on way down he heard no talk of invasion of Spain and saw no evidence of preparation for invasion.
Commanding General Balboa says uninformed concerning any increase in German activity in southwest France.
Informant in San Sebastián states number of German troops Southwest France reduced and remaining troops concentrated at central points.
British Vice Consul, San Sebastián, reports considerable reduction occupation forces Southwest France during last few weeks due to movement eastward. Much coastal fortification work stopped.
Commanding General, San Sebastián, expressed belief all quiet along French border. Understood some troops sent to eastern France and local commanders Hendaye and St. Jean de Luz changed. He disbelieves Germans intend invade Spain and says Jordana told him Spain intends to follow neutral policy and resist any invader.
All above reports obtained directly by responsible member my staff from sources he considers excellent. He also visited Canfranc and reports all quiet there. Spanish Military received him much more cordially than on previous visits.