740.0011 European War 1939/26188: Telegram
The Ambassador in Spain (Hayes) to the Secretary of State
[Received 9:20 p.m.]
1944. For the Under Secretary. I shall comply with your instructions as quickly as possible. Meanwhile I think you should know that we have been unable to establish that German military forces in southern France are in such condition of preparation as to make it possible for them to undertake a movement through Spain. Our information is to the effect that there are what appears to be normal [Page 314] concentrations of German troops in Pan and Toulouse. Highest estimate of German divisions entering formerly unoccupied France is nine. We have been informed that light German forces have been sent to the vicinity of the Spanish border.
It is true that Spanish forces along the French border are light and we have no evidence they have been increased.
We have been unable to confirm report received from Lisbon that two Spanish divisions have been sent to Morocco. The report has been denied by the Spanish War Ministry. Childs71 has not submitted any report in that sense to us. Our Consuls and other observers as well as press contacts have been unable to detect any signs of such troop movements or of any other important troop movements in Spain.
General Yague is alleged here to have made a speech to his troops upon assuming command at Melilla recently in which he recommended cooperation with the Axis. I am endeavoring to check this report with Childs. General Yague is reported still to be pro-Axis.
Government’s [action against?] Generals Kindelan and Aranda reported in my 193 [1933] December 1, 12 p.m.72 as disquieting, and I am endeavoring to obtain facts upon which to base a clearer interpretation.