711.52/237: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Spain (Hayes)
1137. From the Under Secretary. Your 1649, October 30, 11 p.m. The Spanish Ambassador called to see me yesterday with regard to the articles and resolutions of organization recently appearing in the American press advocating the rupture of diplomatic relations with Spain. I informed the Ambassador that these articles of resolution in no way represented the policy of this Government. You may inform the Foreign Minister accordingly.
In view of the considerations contained in your telegram under acknowledgment, you are authorized to convey the substance of my letter of October 11 immediately to the appropriate authorities.
The Department does not consider it wise for you to discuss at this time the matter to which reference is made in the penultimate sentence of the first paragraph of your telegram. You might well add, however, in making any such statements as those authorized, that this Government has seen with much gratification the improvement of relations between our two countries which has been taking place in recent months and strongly deprecates any activities by purely private organizations or individuals within the United States which would seem intended to prejudice the growth of good feeling between the Spanish people and the people of the United States. [Welles.]