840.50/3886/8: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)
2610. Your 3127, June 4. Norwegian Ambassador called at Department a few days ago and expressed concern of his government [Page 111] regarding suspension of independent relief purchasing pending working out of proposals regarding United Nations organization. He was informed we recognize urgency of matter, are giving it earnest consideration, and hope to be ready to make proposals within a matter of weeks rather than months.
British Embassy has informed Acheson that Leith-Ross is coming here about June 22d. We assume this means that British Government agrees in principle at least to United Nations relief organization outlined in Department’s 1995, May 7. Please ascertain if this is correct and report. In order to avoid confusion we have delayed replying to your 2397, May 5; 2480, May 8;22 2693, May 15 pending receipt of Eden’s reply to your memorandum based on Department’s 1995. Pending Leith-Ross’ arrival here and discussion of details with him we consider it would be confusing and therefore inadvisable to proceed further at this time regarding subcommittees on nutrition, medical services, and transport, and similar organization matters discussed in your 2397 and 2480.
Meanwhile, we agree with action proposed in numbered paragraph 2 of your 3127. Assume you will see and approve statement before it is made. We feel strongly that proposals embodied in numbered paragraph 3 of same telegram should be adopted only as a last resort and that this necessity can best be avoided by making available promptly to the other governments concerned, as envisaged below, our proposals regarding the United Nations organization.
Since action in this field is now a matter of urgency we hope that before Leith-Ross leaves the British government can inform you that it agrees in principle with the approach outlined in our 1995. If so we should like to inform the Russian and Chinese Ambassadors23 that we have given earnest consideration to the Russian proposals, that we agree on a broadening of the treatment of relief problems and suggest doing so along United Nations lines, and have asked Leith-Ross as Chairman of the Inter-Allied Council to come here to talk over with them and us some suggestions which we are preparing. We should then wish to go over the situation with Leith-Ross and very shortly ask the Russian and Chinese Ambassadors to meet with us. Any conclusions reached would, of course, be on an ad referendum basis, but we should hope that the talks could proceed with dispatch and that an agenda for a United Nations meeting could be quickly prepared. It would seem desirable as soon as possible after the four countries have exchanged views and agreement is indicated to inform the Norwegian, Dutch, Belgian and perhaps some other governments of the proposed meeting and begin preparatory work with them.
Please inform the Foreign Office along the above lines.