703.5492/14: Telegram

The Minister in Switzerland (Harrison) to the Secretary of State

1068. American interests, Thailand—exchange officials. Legation’s 826, 1st.42 On instructions his Government, Thai Chargé d’Affaires,43 Bern, delivered following aide-mémoire March 9 to Swiss Foreign Office for communication to United States Government, Foreign Office preferring make delivery through this Legation rather than Swiss Legation, Washington, as this Legation has handled previous:

“(1) Thai diplomatic personnel to be exchanged includes following: [Here follows listing of 22 persons.]

(2) American diplomatic and consular personnel to be exchanged according to request American Minister, Bangkok: [Here follows listing of 18 persons.]

Thai Legation adds that Thai nationals in America include 84 nonresidents, of whom 81 students United States, 3, Canada, under protection Thai Minister Washington,44 and 1 Thai resident United States. Americans [in] Thailand include 4 nonresidents and 19 residents over 50 years old whose inclusion in exchange group recommended by Minister, Bangkok.

As exchange [of] nationals being negotiated by categories, Thai Government desires propose repatriation nonresident Thais, namely, 84 students United States and Canada against 4 nonresidents and 19 resident Americans, Thailand, as recommended American Minister.

Japanese Government will consent voyage all persons to be exchanged on Japanese ship regardless of whether they are diplomatic or consular personnel or not.

Regarding expenses voyage up to moment of exchange, Thai Government proposes as decided for exchange between British Empire and Thailand that American Government pay expenses diplomatic personnel and Thai nationals to be repatriated and Thai Government assume expenses incurred for diplomatic and consular personnel and other Americans.”

  1. See footnote 39, p. 926.
  2. Arthakitti Banomyong.
  3. Mom Rajawongse Seni Pramoj.