703.5492/5: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Switzerland (Huddle)
136. American interests—Thailand. Your 71, January 8.25 Please request the Swiss Government to furnish the Swiss representative in Thailand the text or summary of the proposal of this Government to the Japanese Government in regard to the repatriation of official personnel26 (Department’s 405 to you27), and to keep him informed of further developments for his guidance. Please ask further that the Thai Government be informed that the American Minister to Thailand is under instructions to return to the United States, together with all other officials of this Government and their dependents in that country. It would be appreciated if the Swiss representative would point out that the proposal of this Government to the Japanese Government provides for the repatriation of official personnel, as well as Red Cross and press representatives, together with all dependents, and that it is so drawn up that Americans in Thailand falling within these categories, whose return to the United States by other means seems problematical, may be included therein. Please have it pointed out to the Thai Government that, in as much as the Thai Government still has the responsibilities that go with sovereignty and in as much as the United States and Thailand are not at war, this Government expects of the Thai Government treatment for American nationals in Thailand, both official and civilian, in accordance with international law and with treaties in force between our two countries; and that we expect the Thai Government to permit and to facilitate withdrawal of American nationals and their effects from Thailand.
This Government will through the Swiss Government request the Japanese Government to afford the Thai Government any possible cooperation in this matter, as this Government is rendering similar assistance to the Japanese Government in connection with the repatriation of Japanese officials in this hemisphere.