740.00113 European War 1939/568: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)

6286. Your 6797, December 1. Your comments are requested regarding the representation of this Government on the subcommittee of experts mentioned in Section 2 of your reference telegram.

If this work is to continue for some time, as seems likely, it might be desirable to send an additional officer to the Legation who would have training in our freezing controls and who could do other work in the Economic Warfare Division. Another possibility, which we should like to discuss with Sommerville,9 when he comes, would be to bring Robbins10 here for a period of training in our controls.

Can you use somebody from your present staff on the subcommittee for the time being (perhaps Spiegel11) with the assistance of information from here regarding the action we have taken to prevent Axis countries from benefiting from forced transfers of property?

  1. James Somerville, First Secretary of Embassy at London.
  2. Albert H. Robbins, Senior Economic Analyst of Embassy at London.
  3. Harold R. Spiegel, Senior Economic Analyst of Embassy at London.